Why Should Every Woman Own or Run a Start-Up?
As digital as the world is becoming, why should any woman be left behind in any realm of life? With a multitude of opportunities, why not get up, show up and break glass ceilings with creative start-up ideas.
"A Woman who walks in purpose doesn't have to chase opportunities or people. Her light causes opportunities and people to chase her".
The above aphorism is true in every sense. Being a woman entrepreneur myself, I staunchly believe that with a plethora of options available with a click of a button, every young girl has the entire world at her disposal. People are much more connected than ever before and there are ample options available to pick and choose from. Gone are the days when a person was more than a phone call away or an idea seemed far-fetched or improbable. Living in fast tech environment, the world is much more connected than ever before.
Starting a venture not only requires an idea but also needs that grit and gumption to get that venture off the ground. I still recall my nascent days when every nay sayer thought I would be wasting my precious time in starting a venture - Rugs and Beyond, that wouldn't really take off. All those people who were of the notion, "she cannot" are of the opinion "she did". Rugs and Beyond's main goal is to empower local weavers and artisans while selling One of a kind handmade carpets to a global clientele. This would not only eliminate the middleman but also offer a huge array of beautiful rugs to customers from different parts of the world.
I clearly remember that as a kid, when I would score a 90 in a subject, I would really be ecstatic and tell my father about it. Just when he would burst my bubble and ask me how many people scored more than me and how come I am not one of them? This instilled in me an indomitable spirit of excelling at anything I did with a never giving up attitude. It is extremely important to identify a goal and work towards it relentlessly.
Running an enterprise requires a lot of patience and it is crucial to possess those leadership qualities and be passionate about your start-up. If you are not going to obsess over it, other's would't really care about the same. I am extremely proud to say that Rugs and Beyond is not only an Ecommerce platform selling rugs and home décor products but is also a start-up with a social conscience. I firmly believe that women are far are hard working, diligent and honest in any task that is assigned .
Mr. Wolfgang, Lufthansa India presenting an Award to Ms. Sakshi Talwar for Creative Disruptor, Rugs and Beyond
There are a multitude of reasons why a woman should begin her venture now than ever before. Also, the fact that most of us procrastinate and feel the pressure of would have, could have and should have get bogged down to begin. I still remember that prior to the onset of my venture, I was literally doing everything on my own. Right from photographing products, to writing content to marketing the website, it was almost like a one woman show. There were times, I would feel that things aren't really working in my pressure, but the indomitable spirit instilled in me by my father allowed me to never ever give up and simply kept me going. Some of the most important reasons why a woman should run/own a start-up enterprise are as follows:
1) Provides a Sense of Independence
According to a recent survey by Forbes, it has been found that the number of women owned ventures have almost doubled in the past 2 years and will only continue to increase in the coming years. Having your own enterprise not only provides that sense of freedom but also reduces the dependability on others. It gives that feeling of freedom and there is no better way than being your own boss and defy others to get economic freedom.
2) Get's the Idea off the Ground
It is never too late to switch careers even if it means to do so in mid-life. More and more women are coming forth and converting their dreams into actions than ever before. The fact of the matter is that if you have an idea and you believe in it, there is absolutely no stopping or holding back. Women entrepreneurs are full of ideas, possess that never-say-die spirit and tend to perform better than their male counterparts. I still prefer to hire women over men who have the right knowledge, skills and attitude to give their 100% to their work. Additionally, it has been proven that women tend to be more committed to their job and are more dependable and reliable.
3) Aspires other Women Entrepreneurs
Being a women entrepreneur, I relentlessly encourage other women entrepreneurs to work towards their goals, dreams and aspirations. I staunchly believe that behind every successful woman is a tribe of other successful women are constantly uplifting one another. Each time, I attend a technology conference, there is a sense of contentment when I see young women trying to venture out and get their ideas and thoughts out there. Because, guess what there is no better time than now. Tomorrow never comes and we are sure that you do not want to live a life of regret.
Hence, with the aforementioned thoughts, I sincerely hope that more women come out of their domesticity and get that dream venture going and keep moving. After all, failing at something is much better than not trying at all.