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Stop Losing Customers- Some Important Tips To Follow


Stop Losing Customers- Some Important Tips To Follow

Wednesday November 22, 2017 , 4 min Read

Customers are everything if you have an e-commerce store. Your growth all depends on the customer engagement. That means your main focus must be on keeping them on your website. So you have to do all the important things that you never lose any customer.

Here are some tips to hold customers on your website. Read below:

Improve Your Online Store

Website features and structure:-

Have you ever thought about a mismanaged store and a clean store (offline)? If your store is messy and mismanaged, it will affect negatively on your customers. But if you have a managed and clean store , it will grab the attention of your customers. Same is with the online stores. The customers feel good only when they visit your store and find it neat and clean. If your online store design is attractive, then it will help you to hold your customer on your E-commerce store.

Page Load Speed: - 

If loading speed of your ecommerce website is slow, then the customer may feel irritated and return back. But if your website speed is good and the pages open-up quickly, then the customers feel good to visit your site and purchase the products. Always you must be careful about speed optimization of every device like mobile, desktop etc.

Quality of Images: -

The product on your website must be showed in high quality with full & detailed description. Give complete description of your products as much as possible. Because it is another reason to purchase something from your website by the customer.

Site Navigation: -

It is another thing to consider. It must be easy as per the user experience. Customers should not be confused about anything when they visit your E-commerce website.


Checkout process:-

Give them a very easy checkout process when they purchase something from you. Easy navigation helps your customers stay on your website and come back again.

Treat your customer as a special customer

Customer Priority:-

Give priority to your customer choice first. Never grate your customers with other products display. Say special thanks to your customer when he/she find desired product and purchase.

Related Items For Display:-

If an item is not available on your ecommerce store , then display the best and related item to your customer on your store. Show your customers and tell how this item is related to their searching item.

Latest Deals: -

Offer great deals with reasonable prices to your customers. Offer discounts, coupons and rewards time to time, like weekly or monthly.

Run contest: -

Run contest on your website and announce winner name on your website to make the customers feel special and happy. Use UGC to assure your customers that you are a trusted brand:

Customers’ Feedback: -

Firstly collect user-generated content for your website by running a contest, question answering and say them to upload content, photo, videos or thoughts about the company. Ask your customers for their feedback after purchasing an item from your online store. Show the customers’ feedback on your E-commerce Website to influence other customers for your brand. Also, you should use socially posted review on your website.

UGC (user-generated content) is the most important factor to turn your visitors into your customers.

Use Social Media to get engagement on your website:

Social Media Pages:-

Create social media pages and post your product and services on your website. Follow your existing customers socially. Like, comment and share their post to make a great connection with them. 

Customers Queries & Feedback:-

Response your customer queries and comments whatever they write on your posted content. Show your website’s feedback of customers on your social page and say thanks to your customers for their trust.

Resolve Customers' Problems:-

If your customers face any problem, then resolve it on time and make sure them they never face this issue in future. Your customers are your sales and business. If you keep them happy and important, they always come back to your store to purchase. 

So the above tips would help you hold your customers on the website and definitely increase more and more customers.

Ms. Neha is the technical content writer at Evno (E-commerce Web Solutions) with a rich experience more than 7 years. She is presently writing on E-commerce website features, E-commerce blogs, E-commerce website mistakes, marketing tips and many more blog topics.