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Acquiring the best out of android app development

Thursday April 06, 2017 , 4 min Read

Android app development is currently one of the most profitable industries. With over 83% of the global market grasped by the android operating system, it’s no surprise that android app development companies in India are growing by leaps and bounds. Of course, you might argue in favor of the apple OS system but one cannot deny the fact that iOS devices are quite expensive as compared to their android counterparts. This is also a primary reason for such a large reach of the android operating system. In fact, android’s popularity is such that it has even taken over a large part of the US market share. According to a report by IDC, a whopping 66.9% of the market share in the United States has been taken up by the android operating system whereas the iOS has only around 28.4% of market share. Globally, on the other hand, Apple’s iOS has a market share of around 14% and the windows OS has a mere 2.6%.

The reason for the growing popularity of the android OS is plenty, and being easy to use is certainly not the only reason. Android app development agencies in India and even individual developers have a quite a few reasons for opting for android devices over iOS. Here’s a curated list of how android app development companies in India and abroad can exploit what android apps can offer and bring out the best out of the android app development process.

Cost Effective: Isn’t cost the primary concern in our minds? Whether we are buying a product or developing one, and the same applies when companies as well as individuals while they are developing an android app. To begin with, android app developers can easily acquire the android's software development kit commonly known as SDK absolutely for free. Android being an open source makes availability much easier. Well, the licensing fees are much lower as compared to iOS apps. Also publishing the new app would only require one to pay just a one-time registration fee of a mere $25! The best part, since android does not have strict guidelines one can easily use third-party marketplaces to publish the app resulting in much lower costs as compared to their iOs counterparts.

Easy Development Process: Java one of the most popular programming language that is used by android app developers for developing android apps. Java being around in the programming world since as early as 1996 developers are well versed with it making using it easy and hassle free. Since the Java language is the easiest of the lost developing an app using Java also becomes simple and less time-consuming. With the internet world picking up pace and apps becoming an important requirement for any industry, android app development agencies in India use Java in order to deliver the best in the quickest time possible and that too way ahead of all their rivals.

Higher Reach: As mentioned at the beginning of the article, android apps take up over 80% of the market which automatically means that it has a far larger reach as compared to its counterparts. Recent reports in fact state that, there are around 1.4 billion active android users globally, more reasons for android app development companies in India and abroad to opt for android app development over their counterparts.

Huge Customizing Options: Who doesn’t like apps which are engaging not only in terms of usability but also visually. Android apps offer just that, the ability to android app developers to customize their apps in their own way and offer consumers the best in the market. Also, andorid being and open source with minimal guidelines achieving this become really easy. Because of android & versatility it can, this can be used in wearable devices like smartwatches, healthcare devices etc. Android has a great reach and if exploited to the fullest android developers can strive to develop some really cool and unique apps