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Startup versus the corporate world? Choose yourself!

Guide to either start a startup or remain into the corporate world

Startup versus the corporate world? Choose yourself!

Sunday October 23, 2016 , 2 min Read

Startup vs Corporate? Tired of your regular commitment to your office or your boss? Or still thinking that the Corporate world's got something in for you? Ever thought "What if it's time to leave my job and start a business of my own"

If not, then here are few descriptions for you to make you understand better the differences between a startup and the Corporate world. It's time for you to take a decision to either keep expecting big hopes from the Corporate world or either starting your own tenure and making your hopes accomplish one by one when you want.

Image credits : entreprenevrfail

Image credits : entreprenevrfail

Above is the present scenario of corporate world and startup. Both of them demands hard work, persistence, and consistency to get you to a level of excellence. But Startup is a much bigger risk to take as it will consume your time, effort and also your money but in the end, you will finally do what you love. Listen to this, if you think startups leads to failing, then you should know that a person can fail in both either startup or corporate world but what matters is what will get you up again, and that is what you love. Got me!

Still, if you think that starting your own business leads to failure, then I have something for you. Take a look

Image credits : founders and founders

Image credits : founders and founders

Image credits : founders and founders

Image credits : founders and founders

Image credits : founders and founders

Image credits : founders and founders

Here is the work clarity picturization in a corporate world and in starting own venture

Image credits : entreprenevrfail

Image credits : entreprenevrfail

Here is the picturization of Job Satisfaction

Image credits : entreprenevrfail

Image credits : entreprenevrfail

Feeling lost now!

Image credits : founders and founders

Image credits : founders and founders

Don't worry even Creators of google and Instagram didn't get success overnight! Remember that. They followed their heart and got more than that the school has to offer.

Image credits : founders and founders

Image credits : founders and founders

If you think, you are too late now...

Image credits : founders and founders

Image credits : founders and founders

Take this quick guide, And start your own business!

Image credits : founders and founders

Image credits : founders and founders

So, Take the decision Startup vs Corporate "Not all wanders are lost". Go! get up and create something that the world will endure. Good luck!

For more info, check out Geeksnation or follow on facebook.