Coworking is fun, isn’t it? Why not – when you devote eight hours of work in a comforting environment. It is the modern global movement but why do we need it? Well, let's understand as we proceed.
What is coworking?
Coworking is sharing a desk or a part of the office to an individual or a company on a rental basis. With coworking, you end up fostering a great work environment with people from varied fields working under one roof.
Why coworking?
There has been an explosion of the coworking spaces in the past five years. Coworking companies like CoWonders in Pune who rent out their spaces to individuals and companies which is a two-way benefit to both the firms.
Benefits of coworking
Coworking has a list of benefits concealed within it, lets have a brief glance on a few of them.
The budget benefit remains the main advantage of coworking space. Along with the roof, you also share the resources including the internet, electricity, and so on which gets split among the users as per the agreement. This definitely turns out to be an economic affair for everyone under this roof as compared to having your own office or renting a private one.
Space and resource expenses play an important role in the ROI of any business. When your investment goes low, nothing can stop you from delivering a productive business.
Networking and exposure
Since you are surrounded by people from different stretches, you are exposed to multiple projects thus upsurging your acquaintance. This networking expansion can sometimes get you good cross-selling deals.
In this busy world, where you end up making friends only on social media, coworking gives you a chance to meet and greet pals from different spaces. This works great especially for companies with a handful of employees or a freelancer managing a firm single-handed.
Additional benefits
Some coworking spaces also offer few perks like food, gaming zones, recreation, etc. along with space which undoubtedly is irresistible as long as your work permits to have them.
Things to look for in a coworking space
Office happens to be the place where you apparently spend a major portion of your day. Hence, ensuring the best comes to you remains your responsibility. Don’t forget to look in for the below facilities when you look for a coworking space.
Internet connectivity
The digital world demands good connectivity. Hence, ensure you have good internet connectivity in your workplace. You can always have a quick check on the speed-test for your solace.
Your workspace will need good storage with a locker facility if possible. The important and confidential pieces of stuff cannot travel with you everywhere.
The environment
The place where you will be spending 8-10 hours a day has to be cheerfully encircled with positive vibes. If possible, have a quick meet session with the co-workers for you to know your surroundings.
A firm agreement
There is everything official about it! So, everything has to be in black and white to avoid any misapprehensions in the future.
So, what does your business demand? A private space OR a Coworking space?