J.K.Rowling, the author of the famous Harry Potter sequel, also known as the queen of writing, is the lady who didn't just create a world of magic, but she created a world I had always wanted(not only me but there are many for whom she created a new world to live with). She gave colours to my imaginations. She gave me a world to fall in love with and characters to cry for.
I was almost 11 when I started the first book and entered the world of magic. I was nearly of the same age of Harry Potter, when he was informed of his magical powers. And somehow, my world converged with Harry Potter's world.
I have discovered magic not only in the realms of those books, but also in the world around me, viewing things from newer,different and a better perspective.
When i have ended the sequel or I will say I returned from the adventurous,dangerous and worthy journey with Harry Potter, I became more sad than happy as they would live in my heart forever, but it somehow signalled the end of the great lovely adventure.
I was no longer the same person. The book has changed me into a better person. It made the world a better place to live for me. Harry Potter taught me to never give up when you are fighting against the evil. I had fallen in love with the Harry-Hermione-Ron adventures and obvioulsy their great friendship. To look forward in a world without them was difficult because they became my friends in the sense that I could never exactly be lonely. Whereas within few days I realised that maybe I've ended the sequel but haven't ended up with Harry, Hermione and Ron. They were my friends are they are still my friends. I'm glad that I could never be over with them. Some says, that Hogwarts isn't real. I feel that those who says these aren't real. Peoples who never tried to enter Hogwarts would neither believe in it nor in the power of magic. Magic isn't something supernatural. As J.K.Rowling said that magic is something within us. Its a story of love, faith and friendship and if we have these three we can win over anything in the world. And it is the love, faith and frienship within us which create magics and miracles.
And at last but not the least, it gives immense happiness to anyone who reads it. It has tinged my childhood with a sweetness and beauty that can't be translated to words. So, everyone atleast once should enter this world of magic to experience one of the greatest, adventurous and daring journey of friendship and love.