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How to keep your kids safe with firecrackers this Diwali?

When the children enjoy burning crackers, adults should not leave them alone.

How to keep your kids safe with firecrackers this Diwali?

Monday August 07, 2017 , 3 min Read

Image Credit by <b>Pixabay</b>

Image Credit by Pixabay

If shooting off firecrackers is a tradition in your family, you need to take extra care of the kids. The small children get involved in burning firecrackers as they love to have fun. Most of the stunning firecrackers are good for adults only, it’s possible for your kids to get involved in a safe way.

Adult supervision is a must when it comes to burning firecrackers. Kids of all the age groups should be explained about fire safety rules. When the children enjoy burning crackers, adults should not leave them alone. At least one adult member should be present at the place where kids use firecrackers. Make sure that the crackers are burnt in open areas as it can be risky to light and burn them at closed spaces or homes.

One of the important safety measure is to keep water as well as sand handy. Make sure that water in bucket and good amount of sand is placed near the location where kids burn firecrackers. You also should explain the kids about measures to be taken if fire is caught.

It is essential to buy crackers depending on the age group of your child. Sparklers with bamboo stick, pistol poppers, glow worms, and others are some of the popular crackers that can be used for children of all the age groups. Firecrackers, rockets, aerial shells, and roman candles aren’t safe for the children. Parents and elders should ensure that crackers that leave the ground should not be given to the children. They should be restricted even to teenagers and adults.

Important Tips to Keep Kids Safe:

* Do not try to make firecrackers on your own as it can be risky.

* Tell your child not to hold crackers in hand while burning. Always keep it away from your hand.

* Wear some eye protection while carrying out lighting of fire crackers.

* Keep firecrackers away from flammable substances.

* Do not allow the child to go very near to the location where firecrackers are burning.

* Everyone burning firecrackers should wear loose cotton clothes.

* Some kids feel curious to touch the firecrackers remains after the event. Don’t allow the child to do so as there are chances of explosion.

* Soak all the firecrackers in water before disposing them off.

* Animals are sensitive to the noise produced by firecrackers. Keep your pets indoors to avoid problems.

If your child is injured, see a doctor immediately. Rush him to the nearest hospital and get help from doctors. If an eye injury occurs, do not let the kid rub the eyes. You should talk to an eye specialist and get assistance for the treatment. Avoid trying home remedies when someone in your family is injured while burning firecrackers.

Fireworks are meant to be enjoyed, but you and your child should be safe. Take extra precautions and you’ll surely have a blast this Diwali. 
