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A Guide to MCA status- Finding out if your company’s registration process is complete

Have you applied for company registration?Then you should check with MCA if your Company Registration Process in Complete or Not

A Guide to MCA status- Finding out if your company’s registration process is complete

Wednesday December 28, 2016 , 4 min Read

The Ministry of Corporate Affairs is responsible for maintaining the records of Private Limited Companies, single owner companies, LLP and Public Limited Companies. All the information about the status of the companies’ administration process is always available on the MCA website and it is very easy to access all the related data.

Here are some methods, which can be used in order to track the status of the registration process of your company and to check whether the process is complete or not.

By visiting the official website of MCA, you will be able to know about each and every aspect of a company like whether it is an LLP, Private limited company, single owner company or a Public limited company.

Company Registration

Company Registration

The details which are not confidential and can be shown to the public are fairly displayed on the website. The data related to the company that are included in the website usually contains the name of the company, name, and address of the owners, the address of the company, date of incorporation of company and information about the charges on the company and charge holder as well.

MCA master data

If you wish to check about any organization in the MCA master data, you must know the name of the organization, it could be either partial or a full name in order to allow the MCA to run a fine search through its database.

After the successful initiation of the search, the site will display a number of results for you and then you will have to choose the company’s name you are looking for with their CIN number. If you do not have a CIN number, the records cannot be found and the result you will get is ‘No records found’ for a wrongly entered CIN number.

In case the search has been initiated successfully and you have the profile of the company, you will be able to see the following things on the display, which includes the entered CIN:

1.The company’s name

2.Registered address

3.Paid up capital

4.Date of balance sheet

5.Number of members

6.Registration number

7.ROC code

8.Authorized capital

9.Class of company

10.Category and subcategory of company

11.Date of last AGM

12.Date of incorporation

13.Company is listed or not and company status

All these company registration details are accessible by the public at the official website of the MCA while using the method of MCA master data. This is the easiest method to check the status of a company’s registration on MCA.

Charges on the company

While checking the status of the company, MCA will also check about the charges on the company. By making this search, you will get to know about the creditors and lenders who have created any charges on the company.

A complete set of information about the charge holder will be visible on the site. The details, which will be displayed after searching about the charges, will be as follows:

1.Charge creation or modification date

2.The amount

3.Holder of charge and the address of charge holder

Every single detail about the creditors and lenders of the company will be mentioned clearly on the website of MCA.

Signatory details

You can also find the details about the directors and owners of the company using the option of the signatory details in the portal of MCA. The relevant information that will be displayed as the outcome of the signatory details includes:

1.The DIN number

2.The name of directors or owners

3.Address of directors and owners

4.Date of appointment

5.Designation and status of the digital signature.

6.All the essential details about the owners or partners like the percentage of their ownership.

These methods can be performed simultaneously and at the same time, you can grab more than one set of information at the same time.

So, now that you know, next time whenever you want to know the status of a company’s registration process, just check it from the official website of the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) and you can easily find all the information you are looking for!