WIAeZone - Women in Action
WIAeZone!!Women in Action, I picked this subject to narrate my journey, wondering why??
Let me put this to perspective, it’s been more than two years since I am at home waiting for my younger one to turn five ..Long wait finally ended. Here I get my time till 4 pm minus weekends.
After working for more than 15 yrs. in Banking industry at various junior-senior levels and diversed teams it was really hard to take a final call to sit at home to manage home and kids. Well! This was not my first break... I was advised complete bed rest when I conceived my second child and there I was, happy and yet wondering how to spend the long wait, time flew reading newspapers and my books helped.
During these breaks I realised life is fun at home too. Made loads of friends, was wondering why I didn't do this earlier or what was I doing in my 20s......... running around looking for jobs, marriage, investments, career growth, family and kids though all this is also vital. Now that I am again free till 4.00 pm I won't like to get back to the dreadful traffic Jams, long day, deadlines, tasks, bosses and not to forget year end performance management... your ratings for the year that bell curve, pyramid whatever you call it, the rat race for the talent pool.
My friends in my close circles always advised me to take a break and experience the peace at your home after 9.00 am, the entire house looks so peaceful, do whatever you want, jump around, dance around, sing, it’s your space. Between this peace somewhere you start wondering I am so qualified, my career, my money... I need money for shopping... poor hubby how long can I swipe his cards though I still do...
This is my cover story and many like me. Options are wide like few have taken up Montessori or opted for teaching, few are working from home for flexible timings and others are wondering where to go. How to make some quick bucks? And at the same time catch up with everything around. New ventures will give you flexibility and wings to fly high. This is my path to move on....!