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5 Reasons to Run Your Own eCommerce Business

5 Reasons to Run Your Own eCommerce Business

Wednesday January 22, 2020 , 4 min Read

Most of you might be well-versed with the term eCommerce – the process of purchasing and selling goods/services via electronic channels available over the internet. But, not everyone knows the benefits and importance of running an online store.

If you are an entrepreneur or an investor who is willing to invest in starting an enterprise, then eCommerce is an ideal field that can fulfill your dreams. We know you might be thinking that there are already a lot of online retailers, then how would your online store make an impact in the market.

We totally agree with you on that. But, considering the number of internet users in the world, which is also growing rapidly, it won’t be wrong to say that there is still so much left for the eCommerce industry. Here, we have mentioned the top five reasons that might encourage you to start your e-shop.

1. Opportunity for incredible growth

With the development of online marketing, the eCommerce industry has also grown steadily. According to a report by Statista, there has been a growth of more than 25% in online retail sales worldwide as compared to last year. This growth clearly shows how beneficial it could be for you to invest in an online shopping business.

It is also expected that by 2021, the number of online buyers will reach 2.24 billion worldwide, so you have plenty of room to do your thing. It’s not necessary that you need a unique product to be successful in the market, you can select any domain or field, and still earn a good profit by using the best online marketing strategies.

2. It’s easy to set up and run an online store

As compared to other businesses, running an e-shopping store is much easier now. At present, there are more tools and resources than ever before. And what’s more important is that these tools are getting better with time. For instance, if you don’t want to adopt a traditional design & development process, then you can take recourse of online CMS like WordPress or hire an eCommerce development company to provide you with an eCommerce web app. 

Even if you don’t have enough time and technical expertise to build your own custom site, you can go with any of the popular eCommerce platforms like Magento, Shopify or WooCommerce. These platforms come with all the tools and resources to develop a customized e-shop quickly. Usually, these platforms are available with multiple subscription plans, you can begin the basic plan that will give you access to various features, such as themes, product storage, store management, marketing & SEO, and much more to set up your e-store.

3. Earn even when you sleep

They say you can’t earn while you’re sleeping. Well, it is true if you are running a brick-and-mortar business that requires multiple stores with prime locations. But, with an e-store, you can earn even when you are sleeping. An e-store business gives you the freedom to allow your customers to purchase goods/services anytime they want.

We live in the digital age, where we are allowed to make online transactions from anywhere, anytime. So, you can set up an e-store with your domain name and sell your products globally leaving your worries aside.

4. Cost-effective advertisement

Remember the days when businesses used to invest in costly billboards, local ads or fliers for their product promotion. Well, guess what, you don’t need to invest in any of these costly advertisements to promote your e-shop. 

Though you can invest in these advertisements anytime, nowadays, digital marketing terms like content marketing, YouTube marketing, social media marketing, and smart social platforms like Facebook, AdWords, and Instagram are more helpful in reaching a wider audience at a much lower cost.

5. Be an independent businessman

By far, this is the most attractive perk of running your online retail store. We all know that self-employed individuals have more control over their life and more independence than people that work for others. 

Some people might still argue over the fact that employees can turn off their jobs, while entrepreneurs always stay on, but deep down, we all know that even a small business owner has much flexibility and control over his life and work.


Technology is evolving every day, and with this evolution, online marketing is also growing, which gives us plenty of opportunities to earn and explore. And running an online store is one of the best opportunities that we can leverage in this decade. So, if you’re still thinking about starting an e-shop, then the above reasons might encourage you to start your online store quickly.