How Exactly Does Newfangled MEAN Thing Stack Up Against LAMP
To understand how the new-fangled MEAN would fare against LAMP, let us first have an idea of what these two are:

MEAN stands for MongoDB database, ExpressJS, AngularJS front end framework and NodeJS. Comparatively, the MEAN stack is a modern one. The popular JavaScript entirely powers it. Any custom software development company these days would prefer to MEAN since it helps to save both time and money.
This is true, especially for those organisations that use Java for writing the codes. The ExpressJS that happens to be a web framework for the NodeJS is a leading NOSQL database which is powered by the JSON. It renders far greater flexibility as compared to the comparable SQL database. It also happens to be a base platform for the NodeJS run-time in place of an operating system like the famous Windows or the Linux. There is also a variation of the MEAN stack called as the MEAN stack. This helps to replace the EmberJS with the AngularJS.
On the other hand, LAMP is represented by Linux operating system, Apache web server, MySQL database, and PHP application software.
This happens to be among the earliest stacks. This is regarded as more of a traditional mode of the pile. This stack comprises software that is all open-source in nature and hence available for free. These are very useful for web sites and computer applications that have to be dynamic in their functioning. Over the years, this has gained tremendous popularity among the software and system development communities.
The prime reason for this has been its flexible nature. It is also easier for developers to come up with applications and systems using LAMP. Most developers have declared that it is quite easy to deploy this stack. They have also remarked that this is pretty secure and can be customized as per need to a great extent. Above all is the open source nature that is regarded as the most significant benefit of this widely popular stack.
Over the years, a few variations of LAMP have been developed to make it more competitive. These are:
It comprises of Windows, Apache, MySQL, and PHP. This can be regarded as a natural substitute or an equivalent of the famous Microsoft Windows Operating System. Another variation that was developed is the WIMP. This comprises of Windows, IIS, MSSQL Server and the ASPnet. As a result, applications like the Pearl, Python or PHP that were usually used for programming got substituted.
It consisted of Linux, Apache, PostgreSQL, and PHP. This happens to be a variation of the PostgreSQL database. However, this is quite an optimized one and was specifically developed, keeping in mind the enterprise level applications.
This is composed of MacOS X, Apache, MySQL and PHP. This can be considered as a variation of the MacOS X operating system. It is available for both Mac as well as Windows.
XAMPP –This is composed of Linux, MacOS X, Windows, Apache,MySQL, PHP along with Pearl. It also includes an FTP server. This serves acts as a hybrid platform and is capable of support Mac OS, Linux along with the Windows Operating System.
Why and how is MEAN taking over LAMP?
Since the Mongo database happens to be a NoSQL database, it offers the option of flexible data storage. The NodeJS, on the other hand, ensures that the server is up and running without any break. Thus, it offers the option of a computer network, which is quite fast. The ExpressJS helps to standardize the development of the web application, whereas the AngularJS facilitates gestures that are interactive on the web application.
Software and computer application developers, working for the various web programming company, who are gradually realizing that the LAMP stack is no longer that much flexible to serve the objectives have started moving away from this. The primary reasons for this shift are as discussed below:
MEAN far more flexibility than LAMP. It is comparatively simple for the developers than the traditional LAMP. It must be understood that the process of web development has evolved since a long time back. Those days are gone when Word Press was the mirror image of web development. Likewise, developers offering web development services are looking for convenient ways for producing results, and they have found MEAN to be better than LAMP.
According to the software experts, the foremost advantage of using the MEAN stack is that the development of the back-end, front-end, and the server can be done by using a standard programming language. The access of the database is via the idiomatic driver of the Mongo database. These drivers allow interaction through typical JavaScript notion like the async and objects. The execution is done either through promises or the callback functions.
As per an expert of a website development company, the Mongo database offers a dual advantage. The first is NoSQL key-value stores that are scalable, and the second is a rich functionality of relational databases. The MongoDB is capable of storing BSON documents within the collections that have active schemas.
The ExpressJS is capable of handling the various allocations of requests to multiple areas of a particular application. It executes the code of the web's app that controls business logic. It gives an HTML file which is later compiled by a browser. Usually, a RESTful API is produced that can be accessed by the front end with a code of just a single line. The AngularJS makes way for a reactive user interface.
This UI facilitates inputs from the user without the need to refresh the whole page. Merely updating the essential components is enough. The NodeJS too facilitates multiple operations at the same time, thereby scaling up applications. Overall, there is only one JavaScript to rule all of these.
It is almost sure that within no time LAMP is going to become outdated even though it is considered as a reliable stack due to its level of efficiency in the past. The MEAN, on the other hand, is an innovation and is comparatively new. As a result, it relies more on cutting edge technology, which is fast taking over the software and application development market.