How to Boost App Engagement with Push Notifications?

Boost your Mobile App Engagement
After the launch of a Mobile app question arises how to increase app engagement. While there are several ways like Email marketing which has some drawbacks like people don’t open their inbox every now & then, so email might be unread for longer period of time or App Development Company can even send text messages which might be costly at times. To cover all this limitation an exciting feature called Push Notification was introduced which is the most trending to reach customer at right point of time.
Say for example
1) If you are owner of Climate based app and want to give discounts or increase rates on certain conditions.
2) Want to offer Discount which expires within few hours for specific group of people.
In all above cases Push Notification Service feature comes handy.
What Is Push Notification?
Wondering how to promote an app or how to increase conversion rate in modern technology era? Push notification is the answer it helps you to increase mobile app engagement and conversion rate. It is a message which can be a banner or a pop up notification out on someone’s phone no matter what he is doing. It’s a message relating some product or service or some promotional offer for an app.
People today generally spend more time with mobile than computer or even with their family, today’s generation is always on mobile and it is difficult to cut them off from mobile, and that’s what the greatest advantage of push notification is no matter what people have to see your advertisement, hence increases the chances of turning users into loyal customers and increase conversion rate
How to improve user engagement of your Product or Service with Push Notification
Push notification can give you several benefits to your product/services condition to if you use it in effective manner. Some of the techniques you can use to boost up your product/service.
Short and Catchy description
Push notifications are generally very small; therefore it should be catchy enough to attract the targeted audience. All people would get your pop up message but not all will open it until and unless they think its relating them or useful to them. Therefore you should try to make your notification which says what it is in a smaller context.
Using Customized Push Notification messages
While all notification platforms support receiving short messages from applications, some platforms support additional features including custom sounds, images, or contextual buttons within the notification itself.
Keep your user updated and provide them with some useful tips
Push notification can be very useful in keeping your user updated, it allows user to get useful information in their busy schedule. When they see a notification they always see for keyword if they feel it’s good to know more they are going to visit your application to update their knowledge. Even by sharing tips and tricks through push notification you can attract your customer to get more engage to your application and to improve retention rates. Few mobile app retention strategies
1. Sports Score
2. Important News
3. Discount and Coupons
4. Tricks and tips of some game.
Communicate with your user
For application distributers, push notices are an approach to talk specifically to a client. They don't get captured in spam channels, or overlooked in an inbox — navigate rates can be twice as high as email. They can likewise remind clients to utilize an application, regardless of whether the application is open or not.
Keep them updated with some useful information and occasionally offer them tailor-made offers according to their usage.
For e.g. If person is using travel app and recently searched for a specific location then give him relevant offers for that location only.
Hire a good Publisher
The content of the notification is the most important factor, you as a publisher can yourself also write the content but it is advisable to hire a good experienced content writer as he must be knowing what is a good prospect is looking for in your product or app.
Locate your customer
The publisher with the permission of the user can detect location and send the notification as a when needed. Distributers can convey more pertinent messages by utilizing area information joined with conduct information which helps you to increase customer retention for example
• If you have an app of a restaurant and you are within 20 miles range of it then the publisher can send you a notification of attractive offers or some specialties of it to attract you to visit his place.
One of the vital benefits of a push notification is that it adds no cost to publisher whereas normal text messages and bound to bring some cost to sender.
Key Factors to keep in mind while using implementing Push Notifications:
Don’t Overdo it
It is important to use the push notification in a correct manner, with all the benefits attach to it, it also bring some points to look out carefully for like- don’t be too aggressive in sending the notification as it can frustrate the user which can make him uninstall your application, you also need to be aware of the different time-zone and pattern of people belonging to different culture.
Keep it Relevant
App marketers should only send push notifications when it is highly relevant to the end user. In order to accomplish this, they need the ability to collect deep user insights so they can ensure they’re continually tailoring push notifications to the end users.
Always remember the purpose of using push notification is to add value to your user and not to push them to the level they get frustrated.