Make Way for Digital Marketing: Understand differences between Traditional and Digital Marketing
Gone are the days, when marketing via newspaper, television, radio and personal selling were on the rise! Salesman used to squish and slither in all weather just to sell and advertise a product or service for the sake of sales and ROI!
Well with the birth of Digital Marketing, all this hardworking scenario just came to an end, as it replaced with “Smart Work”!

Brands no longer have to hire people for personal selling, neither do they have to spend hefty amount of money on newspaper ads and television commercials or radio! Well, we feel it’s still a personal choice of brands to opt for such Traditional ways of Marketing but working smart never goes out of style!
Let’s discuss a little more on Traditional Marketing, before throwing some light on benefits of Digital Marketing.
From the above written piece of information, it is clear that Traditional Marketing involves tools like Newspaper Advertising, Radio Advertising, Print Advertisements, Billboards, Flyers or Pamphlets, etc. to advertiser or promote a particular product or service.
Little do people realize that traditional tools of marketing include a lot of cost! For example, printing materials can be expensive and then you would need people to distribute them, which adds to the cost! Moreover, these traditional practices do cover a large audience, but the sad part is that there isn’t any specific target group which is focused for marketing! Interaction level is minimal between the brand and people, due to the third-party medium which is used to send the message.
Digital Marketing on the other hand is more convenient way of selling products and services! In-fact so many people these days opt for Digital Marketing Courses just to earn the benefit of learning brand promotion to help their business grow or work for third party to earn good money! There isn’t any doubt on the fact that Digital Marketing is far more effective and efficient way of brand promotion and communication than Traditional Marketing. It enables a greater brand reach, focuses on specifies target audience, cost effective, less time consuming, has 24x7 worldwide access and of course there is a better customer response analysis!
Have a glimpse at some benefits of Digital Marketing-
1) Better Analytics- Digital Marketing provides idea of the exact number of people who have viewed your website’s homepage in real time. Google analytics lets you track some valuable information like the number of people who have visited your homepage, their geographic location, age and interests of visitor to name a few.
2) Content Performance and Increased Lead Generation- Promoting impactful visual content, lets you analyze engagement, and boost your SEO rankings with ease.
3) Better Conversion Rate- Email marketing is better to let a consumer understand about a brand’s product and service, thus giving him ample time to think about choosing those services or not, this is far better than multiple phone calls that sometimes irritate consumer.
4) Face off with Competitors – Tools like SEO, lets a brand to fairly compete with the rivals in a healthy way via ranking and listings.
5) One on one interaction with consumers- With interactions on social media like Facebook and Instagram, consumers get a chance to directly communicate with the brands increasing options for direct communication. This results in enhancing better customer relations and increases trust on brand.
Apart from these technical benefits, other stated benefits like higher ROI, more brand reach, better conversions, increased customer interactions, getting to know about competitors! All these points are far more convincing to let people understand that Digital Marketing certainly overpowers Traditional Marketing.
So many Online Instructor Led Institutes are blooming up these days to enable students join these Digital Advertising Courses for better understanding of Digital Marketing! Krademy is one such Online Instructor Led Training Institute which provides a variety of module based Digital Marketing Course to choose from. Krademy offers 3 types of Digital Marketing Course like Basic Digital Marketing Course, Advanced Digital Marketing Course and Masters in Digital Marketing, all these courses are reviewed by TCOE, Govt. of India! Such variety helps a learner to choose the suitable course according to their learning requirements, and with quality teaching by experienced instructor, Krademy surely makes an important place in the field of Digital Marketing!