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SBI SO Apply online 2019 | Specialist offer online form - Sarkari Result

State Bank of india Specialist officer post has been released by SBI. click here to apply for SBI SO post. if you are eligible for this post can apply with our website. here are the list of total number of vacancies, please check it.

SBI SO Apply online 2019 | Specialist offer online form - Sarkari Result

Monday January 21, 2019 , 2 min Read

State bank of india (SBI) has released the Specialist Officer post for those who are interested to fill the online application form 2019. if you are eligible for this post can apply with reading the notifications. there are 31 post in SBI with different different criteria So every applicant has to pass through eligibility criteria before the examination. Apat from that, State bank of india is the largest bank of india so they released various post every year but if we talk about Specialist Officer post is to less.

SBI requires specialist officers to fulfill the minimum SBI so eligibility requirements. To apply for the next selection process by SBI. Applicants who are failed in the eligibility criteria are directly out from the list as rejected.

SO (specialist officers) in Regular /Contract basis recruitment 2019.

Important dates for Specialist officers

1.Applicants can apply online on - 09/01/2019

2.Last date of registration is -31/01/2019

3.Last date of submitting fee is -31/01/2019

4.Exam date - will be notified soon

5.Admit card –will be notified soon

Application fees

For General and OBC applicants – Rs. 600/-

For SC and ST applicants –Rs. 100/-

Mode of payment

You can pay the examination fee by:-

Debit card

Credit card

Net banking

if we talk about Sarkari results, it is the most valuable and trusted web portal of India. users can get update yourself with all kinds of latest jobs in government sector. govt represent various kind of ministry and department so all have the different-2 website to generate the notifications about jobs. peoples can't search to these websites regularly, looking at it, we create this web portal for all Indian users. it saves your time and provides the latest update about jobs, admits card, answers key, syllabus, result and much more. Every government job, both State and Central government will be announced publicly on this websites and most candidates apply for the job throughout the year. a large number of candidates attempt the govt exam every year but some of them cleared the exam.

if you want to know more, please visit this website : Sarkari Result

Official Website:

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