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Top 6 Social Media Strategies to Follow in 2019

Top 6 Social Media Strategies to Follow in 2019

Friday September 27, 2019 , 5 min Read

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Whether you are running a small company or a multinational brand, your business needs to have a strong social media presence. Social media platforms are miraculous, as they help in creating brand awareness and getting people inclined towards the business domain.

These days brands tend to bring forth unique and slightly controversial ideas to be in the spotlight. Meanwhile, many brands are still focused on using conventional promotional messages hoping to dominate the mainstream. Well the most important thing is the strategy that can get you leverage.

Define Your Goals

One of the prevailing reasons behind the ultimate failure of social media marketing is the absence of effective marketing strategy. Many businesses do not consider following a guided road map that leads to maximum productivity. Instead, they try to procure attention following the blind path that leads nowhere.

Before starting off, consider analyzing where you are heading. Have a look at the following key factors.

  • Which social media platforms you need to target?
  • Have you provided all the essential business information there?
  • Identify which networks have a solid community of potential customers
  • How can you get advantage against your competitors on these networks?

Remember it is a long journey that should be accompanied with attainable and realistic goals. Your goals should be in resonance with the budget and time.

Create Loyal Customer Base

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As e-commerce businesses completely rely on sales through their online platforms, it is significant to reach maximum number of potential customers. First, their efforts should be completely focused on bringing traffic to their stores then by providing value and integrity, aim for generating a solid customer base.

According to Joel Anderson, CEO - WALMART, “You can’t just open a website and expect people to flood in. If you really want to succeed you have to create traffic.”

If your followers get amused with your content, then it is a positive indication that your community is building trust in you and loyal members in the community starts to refer friends & family as your brand advocates soon.

Watch Over Your Competitors

What is working well for your competitors could work for you as well. Keep on analyzing their social media strategies that help them in their business growth. Such analysis will facilitate you in the shape of better understandings of the market and can have an idea how to get attention from your target audience. Doing so may require making use of some competitor analysis tools. Keep your focus solely on one strategy and do not get it jumbled with too many things that can drive you crazy in the end. Well the goal should be getting inspirations and exploring what works best, rather than stealing their ideas.

Scrutinize Your Performance

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Are your efforts in the right direction? Have you spent much effort in promotions and creating enticing content? Without thorough research, never try to perpetuate your imaginations and beliefs into your marketing strategy. Instead based on keen analysis and research, formulate a working plan that has a credited scope in the industry. No matter how large your marketing scale is, the social media strategy always needed to be tracked down. Your followers might like the content you share on these platforms, but if it is leading them to nowhere else, it has no real significance. It means that monitoring engagements, clicks and performance is substantial for any social media campaign.

Curate Engaging Content

Your overall social media marketing relies on the quality/power of content. The content that incorporates uniqueness and curiosity has a worth in industry. Create engaging content that has an essence of your goals with a blend of your own charisma.

Tracking down the most effective approach based on the keywords and trends is quite daunting but most effective when you have a keen eye on compelling content floating all across the social media. Are you providing the content that is influential, having value and can bring change in the lives of your target audience.

Keep on Trying With Different Things

Invest your time and efforts tracking down your pitfalls, why your top-notch content and powerful advertisements could not trigger in the minds of your potential customers. Harvesting the industry-oriented keywords and popular hashtags can give you leverage but keep in mind that over promotions may result in less social engagements and many may leave your brand’s page.

According to an estimate social media manages 3.2 billion visual shares everyday”.

As, you keep on formulating your social media content the user feedback gets varied against each post. It is ideal to monitor your performance and tracking down what has worked best for you can help you go further following the same idea with different approach this time.


Trends on social media keep on changing so your strategy to reach your target audience should modify accordingly. With constant experiments, multiple ideas will let you understand which strategy works best for you. Also, never hesitate to work with new emerging channels, as they mostly have huge opportunities of substantial business growth.