8 Types of Blog Posts that Every Business Should Write
Despite having the topics to cover, oftentimes it gets hard to decide what kind of blog posts to write on that topic (Because the monotonous ones are not driving the value they should).
When brands have an obligation to hook the audience and convince them to stay longer and maybe consider their proposition, in such events, it gets quite pressuring to think of what exceptional blog types can we look for to get the best lead generation. And even when the best lead generation tips on the internet just say, “focus on content”, the pressure becomes more intense.
The juggle between “what blog type to write” and “how to write it” is not rare and comes in every brand’s lifecycle. For brands dealing with “writer’s block”, here are the 8 types of blog posts that you can write for your online business and get a boost in qualified readership and best lead generation.
8 Types of Blog Posts That You Can Write
- listicles/list
- How-to Guides
- Interviews
- Case Studies
- Checklist/cheatsheet
- Infographics
- Personal Story
1. List/Listicles

Listicles or list-based content is best for readers who are looking for information that’s quick and easy to jot down on fingertips.
For a fact, almost every reader loves a list. Because they are loaded with digestible information with numbering, which makes it easy to skim and share them.
Lists are super-easy to make, you can weave them around any topic. Whether you are writing - “10 Email Marketing Myths” or “7 celebrities who are also technical geeks”, the lists work perfectly for any type of information that can be shared in pieces and on numbers.
Pro Tip - Make listicles based on your business niche, don’t shift towards topics that are irrelevant for your audience. And the best thing is to look for the topics that people are searching via Google Trends.
Listicles are a great way to attract readers and generate great traffic. Readers who are looking for fast information prefer reading a blog that’s not divided into long para and missing the important headings. With a list, in case they don’t even prefer reading the full article, they would peep within the headings that are self-explanatory.
Bottom line - People love reading lists, aren’t you reading one right now?
2. How-To Guides

Aside from checking Facebook Notifications and emails, users love exploring the how-to guides online. If you have seen the articles with titles like “How to bake a pie”, “How to get google rankings fast”, these are the how-to guides style articles.
If you will invest in writing how-to articles for your audience, it will show how relevant and authoritative you are in your business niche. It will evoke great trust within readers as they will get information related to their problems.
Since how-to guides that are broken down into different steps, readers find them quite interesting to read them and adapt them to fix their problems.
Sharing your industry-knowledge and thought-leadership via such a writing style will help concrete strong brand image and lead generation.
If you draft these how-to articles with the aim to solve the reader’s problems, you will have the chance to bag them as someone who will be ready to take your help as a customer.
Also, You can create how-to guides via video, as visuals are engaging, and integrate them in your blog as well.
3. Interviews

Interview articles are in trend these days, everyone loves reading about influential readers, their success stories, hardships, and their journey.
Arrange a real interview with either industry influencer or past customer and publish it on your blog. This will make your brand look like a leader in the industry and would gain brand trust amongst your audience.
The best way to write such articles is - just send a bunch of interview questions to the preferred people and ask them to answer it in writing or either verbally, draft that information received with a little bit of editing for readability, publish it and then you are just done.
The best part of such an article is, even the person you interviewed will also share it to increase his/her brand recognition, which in return will maximize your recognition amongst the new audience.
You can add a written interview in your blog or a video, or a combination of both to drive maximum readers.
4. Case Studies

Case Studies
Case studies are easy to write and an excellent way to social proof and lead generation.
Case studies are reality-based self-contained stories, which implies how a certain customer crossed a hurdle with a certain brand’s product/services.
By writing success stories about the previous clients, who have used your products and services, you make new customers believe in your brand - as people love reading and watching resources that are driven by truth.
If you are a product/service-based business, you can pick up the clients and ask them to share their insights about your products and ask them how it helped their business in what ways.
Note their key points and feedback and draft a realistic case study, highlighting the client’s problems and how your brand helped them overcome that.
5. FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
FAQ type blogs are quite popular as well. Such type of content stands reasonable to readers who are looking for some quick and to-the-point information for their queries.
Such type of blog posts with a long list of questions on a particular topic acts as a guide to that topic, which appears to be quite engaging and appears as a good sharing material.
And the best part is, such types of blogs are always evergreen and stays relevant to users’ queries for a long time.
You can choose to create FAQ type blogs for any topic as small as SEO, and as complex as best Lead Generation Tips.
By writing such content you will have a great preference in google’s “People Also Ask (PAA)” section.

6. Checklist or cheat sheet

Readers love checklists and cheat sheets because they make things quite easy.
Most people prefer making lists of things to be done and then ticking it off once a certain task has been achieved.
Checklists are so fun to do, a sense of fulfillment is felt at the moment when a list is ticked completely.
Give your reader a fast source of information via a checklist whenever they are approaching a certain task or activity. Give them a checklist on maybe “how to select a digital marketing company”, “how to buy a house”, “Marketing Myths” or anything in parallel to your business.
The difference between checklists and how-to guides is that they don’t leave room open for the reader’s interpretation. Checklists or cheat sheets act as a quick reference for the audience when they don’t have time to deeply analyze things.
This is one of the best ways to reach out to customers and engage them with your brand.
7. Infographics
This is one of the most super engaging blog posts one can have. With the right balance of text and visuals, as a brand, you can use infographics to depict thoughts on a topic.
Infographics are a great tool to drive traffic and increase brand awareness.
They are easy to digest, skim, and entertain readers. With thrilling use of facts, stats, and one-liners along with rich graphs, pie charts, bar grams, you can create great reasons for readers to stay.
Even they give a break from average blog posts that contain a long wall of texts and some pictures here and there.
Prepare infographics posts for topics that don’t need much textual representation and where just a combination of words and visuals in an image form can do wonders for the audience.
Suppose if you are pointing out topics like “email marketing myths” or “marketing myths” in general, you can list them as infographics with ease.
8. Personal Stories

Everyone has a story
Storytelling has the power to engage people on a personal and emotional level. The more you will connect with your readers on an emotional level, the more will be the trust between you and your readers and which can further cultivate into a buyer-seller relationship as well.
In the race of self-promoting writeup, mention personal stories as well - that inspires and creates value for the reader. Reflect empathy and a sense of belongingness in your blog posts so that the audience can believe that yes your motives are all helpful.
Don’t confuse personal stories with self-promotion. Self-promotion is a part of the blog that comes at the brand awareness stage. Personal stories are something like experiences that you go through the brand-building journey or something which adds up to what you are today.
Stay educational in your articles as well as try to hit the human connection with your audience - so that they feel needed and important.
Summing Up on 8 Types of Blogs Posts to Write!
With so much to write about, it often gets difficult to identify how to write about it. With a monotonous writing style, brands feel frustrated and readers feel bored. It is best to always have a mix of different writing types over any topic so that users’ engagement and loyalty are never compromised.
We just discussed the 8 types of blog posts you can include in your blogs for any topic - be it email marketing myths, SEO, best lead generation tips or so. Having a blend of these types of posts will help your brand discover a new perspective to share things, qualified readers, and readers who are willing to buy from you.
However, there are 100s of blog posts types that you can consider, and about which you can consult with a Digital Marketing Company - that will give you a full proof plan on how to consolidate your blog generation via a robust content marketing strategy.