The unexplored culture of work from home at the time of Pandemic
It will not come as a surprising measure when work from home will be the new norm. Imagine corporate establishments wearing an eerie look with no one around. If this was too much of a Hollywood version of an alienated world, work from home was also alien to most of us, just a couple of months back.
Working from home although considered a favourable concept to many, does not come much welcome today under the externally induced conditions we are facing today. We are now stuck in a situation that is the rarest and most vulnerable. Considering the world statistics on the COVID -19 epidemic, it looks imperative today any part of the world you reside in, to stay home and stay safe.
The scenario of remote work
Working for home has not been an option before for some company operations, while some companies practiced the e-working way since long. The latter is an opportunity to work from home under a certain set of conditions. Logging in to the company computer from a remote location, receiving data inputs as well as sending and receiving emails remotely, contributing to business ideas, operations remotely, developing projects and services remotely and even participating in client meetings and sales closings. These and other specifics define the e-working pattern of working.
We had shifted over time from comfortable offices to shared offices and accepted that as a part of the corporate working culture. Shying away from being not able to own an office vis-à-vis a renting a co-working space is an option presented to us today. Small start-ups have benefited the most of this working space disruption as they have found economical means of setting up operations and able to bring a face to their company. In the face of profit, in the challenge of adversity, it is a matter of adapting, going beyond the set practices to bring a variable yet, better output.

Forbes states, about a Future Workplace's recent survey conducted on 350 HR professionals on, The Impact of Corona Virus in the Workplace. Companies have pro-actively shifted practices to adapt to the uncertain future by a certain change in working.
Companies are investing in training employees to work online.
The trend is shifting and work from home is the new normal. Training on adjusting to the patterns and protocols, companies like Microsoft have also developed a work from home guide.
How coronavirus can be an opportunity to redefine business?
The only constant thing is change and understanding this powerful axiom, companies should analyze and evaluate current business practices and redefine processes and standards for better operations and profit margins. This is a time-sensitive practice and needs to be incorporated before it is too late.
Re-skilling Workers
Companies are considering re-skilling employees to retain them. While companies are thinking about cost-cutting and sustaining measures, there could be a major shift that might come as a result of re-skilling. The employee morale is a very sensitive issue that might create sparks. Having been in an accomplished skill and profession and then re-skilled to adapt could not only be a time-consuming and financially taxing but also bring behavioural changes in the employee.
While the companies that are financially backed could afford to bring the right shift required by bringing teams, finances and time to retain and recruit employees and still anchor clients. Mid and smaller companies do not come with the financial bandwidth and can't even afford losing out on clients in this tough period. The mid-way is a solution that could encourage not only a sense of sustenance but monetary well-being.
It is a maze that we are all part of and challenges are myriad in the face of changing situations. Nothing is as it was and for the future to be articulated we need to adapt. While the world is undergoing a major paradigm shift, the entire landscape of working could eventually shift from corporate setups to a more productive home environment. Till 3 months back none of us across the world would have envisioned of forced lockdowns and working from home. For some businesses that run on the retail model, this period is crushing. Yet, some businesses could still develop and grow in this skeptical scenario.

Adapting with the 'New normal'
All it requires is to adapt. We have adapted to the newer lifestyle of working from home, accepted the uncertainty of situations and just coping to be productive. The world situation might take time to come on track, as well businesses would take months to resume to full potential. Many small and large business might shut down office operations and reduce staff as cost-cutting measures and to stay afloat. However, a little more flexibility and adaptation could rightly come as a big financial controller for you, not only in these difficult times but moving ahead.
At Web2UI, we have a money-saving solution that will not only take care of your experience design needs but also enhance your productivity and save cost. Imagine, hiring a team of specialised in-house team of UX professionals that are promising of highest quality work - All I think is their high salaries and monitoring their productivity. Whilst this can be taken care of by using our remote UX team, that can save up to 66% of your monthly cost on design!
In the current scenario, finding and interviewing the right resource, matching professional salary expectations ironically when companies are on a cost-cutting errand, being able to deliver projects in time and being able to keep the client anchored, these and many more issues could be curtailed by just a simple decision. We bring professionals who could work as your offsite team on an e-working mode. Our team comes with excellent industry experience and stands as multiple award-winning teams. Our teams could be engaged in offline as well as online support and either way their performance can be monitored through tracking software.
Our teams are adroit and have worked under challenging assignments, multi-client setups and efficiently delivered. The world is shifting their working standards and under all this turmoil, we bring you our remote team so you could only and only concentrate on your business. No training, no re-skilling, no mental checks, no infrastructure investments, no coaching and no formal office set-ups. Come to imagine the money and efforts you save in this small shift. Additionally, our commercials will come more relaxing than hiring the team on your payroll.
It is, after all, a small shift, that will create a definite change in your business.