Google India's Tool for Community Messages and Public Information
Google India didn’t just settle with their Internet bus; Google India Labs has now released the Google Noticeboard. Through a public digital noticeboard, the noticeboard may just bring social interaction up to a whole other level:
Communities with access to shared computers can use the Noticeboard for exchanging messages related to community announcements, social interactions, local buying and selling, and information that is of wider interest to the community. The Noticeboard may also be used for the community to engage in a dialog with benefactors, public servants, and other service providers who are geographically distant.
As the website notes, literacy is not a pre-requiste for using the noticeboards, which makes the application more accessible. Instead of writing in a message, community members simply hit record. Will the voice message feature of the noticeboard add significant value? In places where social capital is already very strong, does a community need a source to connect their messages and pass information? It will be interesting to see what spins off from this and how different organizations, communities, movements, schools, or groups will use the tool.