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Nokia Focusses on Rural India

Wednesday August 26, 2009 , 1 min Read

Despite adding over 10 million subscribers a month, India has a low mobile penetration of 13%. Telecom giant Nokia recently launched a number of exciting new tools aimed at capturing the next segment of growth in the mobile industry – rural India. Launched under the Life Tools product umbrella, the services include,

Nokia Life Tools Agriculture services aim to plug the information gaps and needs of farmers, by providing information on seeds, fertilizers, pesticides, market prices, and weather (temperature, rainfall, wind conditions) via their mobile phones.
Nokia Life Tools Education services aim to provide career and education services, including English language learning, General Knowledge, Exam preparations and results, as well as career information and tips.
Nokia Life Tools Entertainment services also has fun features, including astrology, news, ringtones and more.

Nokia has tied up with a number of NGOs, government organizations and Reuters for this initiative and the services are provided by Idea Cellular. Another initiative aimed at capturing the large rural market in India is a microfinance program for handset purchase. Under this program, handsets are provided for installments of Rs. 100 (for 25 weeks). Nokia has completed successful pilots for both these programs in Andhra Pradesh and Maharashtra.