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Write 'collaborative stories' with FeedFiction

Write 'collaborative stories' with FeedFiction

Friday June 28, 2013 , 3 min Read


Ever since our inception, we've stressed highly on story telling and how powerful it is. And hence when I came upon, FeedFiction, my interest piqued. FeedFiction is an experimental platform that launched an alpha version a few months ago by two experienced Israeli entrepreneurs Shlomi Yaakov and Yossi Shalem.The platform enables users to generate content in the form of flash fiction stories that they can write together. All stories on FeedFiction start with a photo that the users upload, currently from Facebook, Instagram or Desktop, and use as the story trigger. All stories are exactly 55 words in length making them mobile friendly.

We believe that Flash Fiction is the “Tweet of the Story World” and together with photos we want to create a place where photos get an additional meaning and the social writing interactions bring new and interesting connections between people.

Shlomi has founded several companies in the new media and mobile entertainment industry over the past 18 years while Yossi who takes care of technology has also been in the startup space for more than a decade. The duo came together to build something that would bring forth a new kind of creative communication.

Currently available only in English, FeedFiction is spreading the word to get more users on the platform. Completely bootstrapped, the Israeli duo is also looking to raise funds to augment development on the mobile front.

I gave the product a spin and the whole experience looks very inviting. Once you're logged in, the stories are neatly arranged in a tile format with a picture accompanying each story. The intention is to make people think and come up with funny, quirky, profound stories that gives the audience a sense of satisfaction. Especially for a storyteller like me, the joy of reading and being able to collaborate with other people and churn out something beautiful is immense.

Catering to the startup space, I took a shot at starting a story here (which I hope will be completed soon)


The picture is taken from the Nikolas Tesla approaching a VC parody.

The concept of a 55 word story has been in existence for quite some while by now but Feed Fiction gives it a tangy collaborative touch. Once the site has decent traction, there are various ways of monetizing which mainly falls under advertising but the founders prefer to keep that under wraps for the moment.

The product is certainly worth a try if you're even vaguely interested in fiction and stories. Complete my story here and you can start yours as well: FeedFiction