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Startup in 60 Seconds - Rajiv Mehta, MD, Puma India

Startup in  60 Seconds - Rajiv Mehta, MD, Puma India

Sunday September 15, 2013 , 2 min Read


One teacher I remember, and why

Mr Bhatia, my Math teacher in 9th and 10th grades. He was very thorough. He used the carrot-and-stick formula very well. He knew how to simplify the concepts and make them stick.

One most valuable work lesson, thus far

You must learn from your past.

One thing I look for the most in a new recruit

Passion for the brand (fire in the belly).

One thought from a book I am currently reading

Relationships are the true currency of life's worth (Khaled Hosseini, ‘And The Mountains Echoed’).

One tip for time management

Always start any meeting with a clear agenda and keep one person in charge of keeping time.

One key thing in my fitness routine

Running outdoors. Gives me time to think and gets me a quick workout.

One signal that tells me there is a problem

"Rajiv, can I see you in person for a minute?" Most work which is mundane and banal gets done over the phone or a casual chat.

One technique for handling anger

I am like a vessel with boiling milk. Get riled up easily but a few sprinkles of water and things go back to as they were. I don't hold on to anything for long. I am able to get over things quickly and easily.

One essential ingredient in my investment portfolio

Real estate.

One good thing about the new generation

Can easily multitask.

One worrying thing about the young

Jack of all, master of none.

One thing that clinches a deal

Being upfront, honest and sincere. Never fails to tell the other party that this guy is genuine. You win them over easily.