The Top 10 author interviews of 2018 for entrepreneurs
Following up on our detailed book reviews, YourStory presents key author insights from the top books on startups, entrepreneurship, innovation, and leadership.

YourStory has reviewed over 175 books on entrepreneurship, innovation, startups, leadership and tech trends. Also see our list of Top 10 Books of the Year for Entrepreneurs for 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013 and 2012.
Following up on our book reviews, YourStory has interviewed dozens of these authors over the years as well. Here is our pick of Top 10 Author Interviews of 2018, with direct insights and tips from the experts. Click through on the list below for each interview, and follow through to see the full reviews of their books.
We thank all these experts for documenting and analysing the creative journey of innovators, and for spreading the startup movement far and wide. We wish the authors and our readers a Happy New Year, and look forward to more books and interviews in 2019!

Melissa Schilling shares her insights on innovation and entrepreneurship, the contribution of academia, scaling tips for entrepreneurs, the power of crowdsourcing, and innovation policy.
Maarten Pieters, 'The Seven Principles of Complete Co-Creation'

The market is always changing, and the best way to keep ahead is to continuously engage and co-create with your target group, says Maarten Pieters, head of co-creation at Signify.
Liz Wiseman, 'Multipliers: How the Best Leaders Make Everyone Smarter'

This best-selling author identifies five practice areas whereby multipliers invest in employees' growth and let them take initiative.
Chris Zook, 'The Founder’s Mentality: How to Overcome the Predictable Crises of Growth'

This bestselling author shows how scale-stage challenges of a company can be tackled by an innovative mission, customer focus and bias for action.

Innovators need self-belief and agility, but there is also a wealth of resources that can help educate them about the challenges and solutions ahead, as these entrepreneurship experts explain.
Esther Choy, 'Let the Story Do the Work: The Art of Storytelling for Business Success'

Storytelling is an important habit to cultivate for entrepreneurs and leaders, and customer testimonials are particularly relevant in this regard, according to this bestselling author and storytelling coach.
Anne Bahr Thompson, 'Do Good: Embracing Brand Citizenship to Fuel both Purpose and Profit'

From startups to giant firms, organisations of all sizes and sectors need to cultivate a strong sense of purpose and align their business journey with this broader responsibility.
Kevin Murray, 'People with Purpose: How Great Leaders Use Purpose to Build Thriving Organisations'

Startup founders and CEOs need to harness a sense of purpose for multiplier effects in productivity, innovation and customer delight, according to this bestselling author.
Richard Banfield, ‘Product Leadership’

Products and companies become successful if their teams focus relentlessly on understanding the customer’s problem. The solution will then emerge, according to this bestselling author.
Apurva Chamaria, ‘Master Growth Hacking’

Apurva joins us in this chat on challenges facing scale-stage startups, how growth hacking can help, cultural foundations of growth, and emerging trends in this space.s
Other author interviews published this year include Dave Birss (How to Get Great Ideas); Tim Harford (Fifty Things that Made the Modern Economy); Scott Galloway (The Four: The Hidden DNA of Amazon, Apple, Facebook, and Google); Nandini Vaidyanathan (Start Up, Stand Up); and Lisa Goldman and Kate Purmal (The Moonshot Effect).
YourStory has also published the pocketbook ‘Proverbs and Quotes for Entrepreneurs: A World of Inspiration for Startups’ as a creative and motivational guide for innovators (downloadable as apps here: Apple, Android).