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‘It’s vital to create a brand identity and stick to it’ – 20 quotes of the week on entrepreneurship and leadership

From idea to identity, witness the memorable journey of entrepreneurs and leaders in these quotes, excerpts and stories!

‘It’s vital to create a brand identity and stick to it’ – 20 quotes of the week on entrepreneurship and leadership

Wednesday January 19, 2022 , 4 min Read

Launched in 2014, StoryBites is a weekly feature from YourStory, featuring notable quotable quotes in our articles of this past week (see the previous edition here). Share these 20 gems and insights from the week of January 10-16 with your colleagues and networks, and check back to the original articles for more insights.

See also our pick of Top Quotes of 2021 on Entrepreneurship, Investment, Digital Transformation, Storytelling, The India Opportunity, Pandemic Resilience, Failure Recovery, Design, and Art.

When you understand the need of the hour, you become the change of the hour. - Divij Bajaj, Power Gummies

Companies should not make losses just for the sake of growth - so you can show this to other investors to get more money and continue to show more growth and losses. - Rajan Singh, HabitStrong

Don't just keep your dreams local, make them global. - PM Modi

Get inspiration from others, but don’t compare yourself to anyone else. Compare with yourself only, and be better than what you were yesterday. - Ritu Sondh, Kala Alankar

The reach of art should be increased so that it works as a healer for a maximum number of people in these tough times. - Deepika Bhansali Jain, Kala Alankar

Making artwork from plastic is a very big challenge. Only after multiple trials we could come with our first art piece. For me, these art pieces are not just projects, this is the aim of my life — reduce plastic. - Manveer Singh, ‘Plasticvalla’


With modern materials taking over homes and our lifestyle, we have moved away from nature. - Deepa Bhowmick, DaisyLife

We are witnessing more and more ordinary citizens being vocal about climate action. It is creating a ripple effect to drive larger, systemic changes. - Prachi Shevgaonkar, Cool The Globe

It’s crucial to be concerned about the nutrition of the animals in order to maintain the ecological balance and sanctity of the food chain. - Kumar Ranjan, E-feed

It is sometimes anxiety-provoking to change your career or think about the climate. - Kamal Kapadia,


[People with restricted mobility] shouldn’t be beholden to their family and relatives, relying on them to push the wheelchair whenever they step out. - Ravindra Singh, myUDAAN

When your family abandons you, you lose the hope to even ask for help. - Nakshatra, Nammane Summane

People all over the world want to buy goods from different countries, which can be cheaper, or unique. This paradigm shifts in the way the business is being done cannot be serviced based on a certain set that was built for a different business model. - Padmanabhan Babu, LogiLink India

The majority of people who claim to be coaches are actually marketing people trying to influence people. - Anamika Chawhan, Magnificent U


Co-accelerating is a way for startups to know they are working with two committed partners that are not greedy for solo success of their portfolio startup but of cumulative success in building the best venture(s) together. - Sanil Sachar, Trusox

Entrepreneurs should strictly consider separating their personal wealth from their company’s finances. In doing so they ensure that their fate is not constantly tethered to the success or failure of their company. - Milan Ganatra, 1Silver Bullet

The first four or five hires for your company are some of the most important. They set the tone for the culture of the company. - Shirish Nadkarni, 'From Startup to Exit'

It’s also vital to create a brand identity and stick to it because in the beginning you can get really confused. Doing more of what works for you is the key. - Rishika Nayak Shetty, The Sass Bar

YourStory has also published the pocketbook ‘Proverbs and Quotes for Entrepreneurs: A World of Inspiration for Startups’ as a creative and motivational guide for innovators (downloadable as apps here: Apple, Android).