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Where to buy Kids furniture

Where to buy Kids furniture

Monday September 25, 2017 , 4 min Read

Before any furniture store, particularly those offering kids’ furniture, start their marketing campaign they need to actually know their market. It sounds obvious, but not too many furniture stores truly act as if they accept this as true. Customers always want to know what’s in it for them as well as their kids when purchasing furniture and those stores that truly answer this question can dramatically improve their bottom line and these are the stores to shop from.

There are all kinds of youth furnishings stores out there. Recently an area of great change has been the options furniture stores have in advertising and marketing. Many invest time and money in learning how to digitally advertise and drive business to their stores. Consumers see these ads and can purchase online but most still love face-to-face conversations, so they want to physically see and test the furniture. The majority of consumers today pre-shop online before stepping foot to an actual brick and mortar store to make the final purchasing decision.

Eventually, the consumer walks into a store. There are those stores in which you walk in and quickly realize that their styles are everywhere. There is nothing unique about the lines they carry. Then, there are those which deliver furniture without set-up. There are also those stores who charge you cherry and mahogany prices for MDF and pine, charge you for stapled drawer joints as if they were French or English dovetailed. These are not the kids’ furniture stores to purchase from. You want a drawer constructed well so that it can withstand years of opening and closing.


You want to shop in stores where customers turn to for kids’ furniture that “just naturally” fits their lifestyle and their children’s lifestyles. These stores answer these questions in a conversational way that makes the customers feel understood by a knowledgeable friend. And above all, these stores will answer the customer’s burning question: What’s in it for me?

There are also stores out there which have a proud and long family history, but to many consumers that history is an attribute, not a benefit. A photograph of the store’s founder on the exterior of the building isn’t what they want to see. The consumer only wants to know his or her needs and he or she will go where this question is answered. However, long history can be a benefit. Stores which explicitly convey how long they’ve been in business and add the fact that no matter how the times and lifestyles change, generations of people have found the store to be one of the good guys are the ones to shop in. These stores have a long history because their products hold up well and if they don’t, the store offers solutions, not excuses. The services and products of these types of stores feel to the purchaser like the store has read their mind about what he or she wants and needs.

It is true that selling kids’ furniture begins at the store and ends in the customer’s kids’ room, but there is an enormous area in between that is crucially important to this entire process. The delivery and warehousing phase of the sale is that phase. The delivery staff needs to make sure they do an exemplary job as far as delivery and set-up of furniture. Sometimes it’s the little things that count. For example, the delivery personnel need to protect the customer’s floors by putting down runners or wearing booties or both. Furthermore, they need to let the customers know by their actions that they appreciate them shopping in the store. The entire operations team, no less than the sales representatives, need be aware of the store’s image, values, and customer expectations and how delivery supports or erodes the store.

Even when the furniture is delivered and set up, the process is still not done with the ideal stores. These stores follow up after the delivery. The customer should receive a call shortly after the delivery; it shows that the store cares even if there was a mishap during the delivery process. It’s basically another way to say thank you and perhaps invite them back to the store or ask if they would perhaps recommend the store to their friends and family.

So shop in kids’ furniture stores in NJ or anywhere else where you as a consumer are taken care of from the moment you step into the store until after the delivery. The great furniture stores who do thing the right way not only create customer retention but also make it an experience the customers will appreciate.