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Fulfilling dream... is a dream come true!

Proper education and health is all that can help those in need..

Fulfilling dream... is a dream come true!

Tuesday February 14, 2017 , 8 min Read

Malviya Child Welfare Circle

A nonprofit, philanthropic organization that is committed to uplifting the underprivileged children in urban, suburban or rural areas. The approach supports basic education, health, culture and all possible development of the children of economically and socially backward families. The idea is the establishment of such platforms around educational institutions and residential areas where we can have a pool of educated youth population. Through our recent work in one of such institutions, we’ve found that exposing university/college students to a philanthropic platform where they get a closer connection with the needs and obligations of such societies, develops a unique cascade of thought transformations in the perception of such youth. Their active volunteering for the cause not only helps children in need, but also bring a great sense of social perception and leaves deep imprints of social responsibility and sensitivity in their persona. We name this as “Development of social sensitivity and Youth Social Responsibilities”. Our way of functioning and level of volunteer involvement has transformed youth to an extent that some have even chosen social service as their mainstream career. So the organization not only helps underprivileged children, but creates leaders with compassion as its positive effect.

Our Initiatives

Malviya Child Welfare Circle leads many projects under its umbrella that focus on education, health, culture & values, Creativity, environment, and academics. Some projects are under way forward.

Current projects are as mentioned-

Malviya Study Circle

The basic issue that the poorer sections of the society faces is a lack of proper education. It is true that not even our mainstream schooling system is as healthy as expected, as the need of tuitions and coaching is burning desperately among the student community. But they are capable enough to afford extra help after school. The other end of the wall seems not so strong. We’re talking about the street children, or children who study in primary schools, or even those who haven’t seen the school yet. The government has provided them with schemes and support to have better education, but somehow they do not find themselves hopeful as the poor sections of the society faces is a lack of proper education and confidence. It is true that not even our mainstream schooling system is as healthy as expected, as the need of tuitions and coaching is burning desperately among the student community. But they are capable enough to afford extra help after school. The other end of the wall seems not so strong. We’re talking about the street children, or children who study in primary schools, or even those who haven’t seen the school yet. The government has provided them with schemes and support to have better education, but somehow they do not find themselves but somehow they do not find themselves but somehow they do not find themselves hopeful.

We have been working among these communities for quite a while. We’ve witnessed the changes, all positive. We’ve communicated with families of daily wage workers, rickshaw pullers, cobblers, vendors, laborers, both men and women who send their children to Malviya Study Circle every day in the evening after school hours. Their parents are aware. They had dreams. But they were helpless of their own illiteracy and stigma of being uneducated. We found a scope of giving a promising hand to them.

What we do…

The day we began, we made a survey of about thirty families in a locality, Seergovardhanpur near BHU in Varanasi. We communicated with them and their children. Things were dark. They were living knowing nothing what would their children do in the future or what dream should they show to their little ones afraid of not being able to fulfill them! “Would you help us with all from your part to teach your kids and educate them for a better future…” we asked the villagers with hope and command. To our delight, they were even more delighted to hear this which filled us with everlasting enthusiasm and hope for them. Women covering themselves in veil holding little hands of their kids came out of their houses and got their names enrolled with us!

Harsh Reality…

We began a one-week assessment of fifty enrolled children. To our astonishment, not even a kid of class 8th could spell his name in English, or even spell the English alphabet series! Might seem exaggerated… wish this wasn’t the reality… But the truth was what we tasted there… harsh, bitter. Many left the school after failing repeatedly in the same standard and joined the laborers in the factories. After all, nobody sits ideally. They try to support their family with whatever they have from wherever they can.English or even spell the English alphabet series! Might seem exaggerated… wish this wasn’t the reality… But the truth was what we tasted there… harsh, bitter.

We designed a strategy and our system. We started counseling and basic literacy classes for all of them which lasted for a month. We helped them restart their schooling and helped them with their academics in the evening. Beginning with English, Hindi, Mathematics, their basics began to get clear and their hopes brighter.

Today we have reached about three hundred children combining three different villages. We teach all the subjects, every day in the evening hours. ‘Efficiency depends on the quality of time rather than the quantity of time’, this suits best to our system of functioning.

We also organize summer and winter camps for them where we focus on extracurricular and recreational activities and all round development of their mind and skills.

With this project, we also aim to set up libraries in the villages for all such children and adults who would receive great help from the books on all the subjects. The library will also enlighten their awareness towards education and life…

Helping children from kindergarten to intermediate, we also provide free computer classes, guidance and preparations for various entrance exams for graduation, post-graduation, and jobs to students from such communities who are unable to afford expensive coaching.

Balsanskaarshala… A noble idea and initiative that has been adopted from, which focuses on the development of cultural, moral, ethical and national values amongst upcoming generations through a rich curriculum of its own kind. Every Sunday evening all our children participate in Balsanskaarshala and learn healthy and valuable habits for life.

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Malviya Health Circle

Maybe it is true that ‘Boost’ is the secret of their energy. Lucky are those kids who are born to a self-sufficient and financially healthy family. But the story of their counterparts is gloomy. Children in poor families, slum areas, on the streets, roaming in the traffic, selling flags and balloons… are far away from mainstream facilities of basic living. Well, an educated parent would know that which tablet cures pain in the stomach or in the head and what has to be said to the chemist to get those or to which doctor should they consult. Still, there are people who have lost their little ones with diarrhea that could be cured with a short course of medicines at an early stage.

A healthy mind resides in a healthy body. True. So in order to expect more from our students at Malviya Study Circle, we have initiated a project dedicated to working to keep our children healthy and sound. We have organized several health camps and awareness program where we provide them free health checkup and treatment. The response of the beneficiaries was very positive. Many children whose parents were unaware of their serious conditions are now treated.

We’ve further plans to initiate a health education drive for villagers and children and create a local body led by them through which they would be able to know and understand First-aid procedures and do’s and don’ts to initiate a healthy living and educate others.

Malviya Youth Circle

Observing the positive development and transformations in the youth which is active on field with us, we’ve launched ‘Malviya Youth Circle’ as a platform where we organise various workshops on soft skill, life management, spirituality, career, etc. and similar field that the youth today are in need of with the help of experts and learned professionals on nonprofit basis. This initiative is also dedicated to working on social issues like the environment, disaster relief and general awareness for nonpolitical and nonreligious social cause.

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Way Forward

Education, Health, Skills, and Livelihood. Children, Youth, Adults, and Elders. The developmental pillars of our Nation. A Huge percentage of which resides the Rural India is in the need of innovations. So far we’ve reached to certain initial levels. We have on our agenda to create an online donation portal that would give the general public an opportunity to donate books and stationery from all over the country, which would enrich our libraries in villages and school bags of our children. We also are thoughtful towards orphans and their education especially those who are forced to dwell on the streets. Rural livelihood has great scopes but needs innovations, which we’re working on. Our vision is much bigger with promising and sustainable systems which are being conceived in our racing minds, yet to be materialized. With growing structure, infrastructure, funds and resources we have the system to cater all above-mentioned fields. We believe that villages are all self-sufficient and we’ve had visions to create Smart Villages. Tomorrow, if not today but very soon.