Consider 5 questions while selecting mobile application development company
Business online presence is an important play in marketing. Mobile Application is first signal showing strong online presence.If your business does not have a mobile application and decide to develop one for business then 5 things you should consider before choosing mobile application developer or mobile application development company.

Have a mobile application for your business?
If your business doesn't have a mobile application yet then minded you that you missing out golden opportunity to generate maximum revenue in the stream.
Let me clear you why I am saying this.
Please look at below graph.

So as you can see how smartphone and tablets where a consumer is live.
According to Bigcommerce report, 51% American would like to shop online.96% American have made purchase online product and services in their life. Even 80% American purchase online product and services in past month alone. E-commerce is increasing so far around 23% year by year. Still 46% American do not have an online presence of their small business.
So now clear why mobile application plays important role in business growth. A mobile application is single to show your business strong online presence in front of your competitor. If you like to mobile application development so that enable to your business to purchase a product online, access simply, add product review about they felt but all need to hire a dedicated and experience mobile application developer that you trust in.
But the question that you felt is which platform I choose for my business?
The answer is simple you need a mobile application on major two platforms one is android and second one is iPhone. This two platform is what people more prefer to use.
See graph showing why you should choose both platforms for your business.

So, this two platform is highly consideration while you develop a mobile application.
Till now we discuss why you need a mobile application for your business and what platform you build a mobile application.
But one thing is still remaining that is – “How you choose Mobile Application Development Company that fit your constraint and you trusted them”
This question is trouble most of the time when the business owner would like to develop a mobile application that is – which mobile application development company is perfect for me?
Do know why business owner trouble to give an answer to this question?
Just see the following report.

So figure out one, make trust and give the task to build a mobile application is hard to do.
But if you follow this article five question and their answer so this task became very easy and fast for you.
So let discuss highly considering 5 question before you choose mobile application development company.
1- Where I find past developed application and may I know your current and past client?
Do you know qualified mobile application development companies who work really good is eager to provide a list of mobile application which they previously made and even sometimes they provide a list of mobile application they developed before you asked this question?
This signal is played a major role by analyzing their past list of developed application on IOS app store, Google play store, blackberry app world and many more.
This is the perfect way to check whether company or developer have experience, skill, vision, and idea of developing a mobile application that you are looking for.
But this is not tasked with reading a novel or watching movie i.e. not sure that whether the app is developed by them or not. To ensure and satisfaction you can directly speak and ask to give current and past client list and by cross verification and at result claim, you have worked on.
Even by checking reference of client you have an opportunity to realize how a company is result driven and reliable.
2- What technology and resource do you use and how I make money from an application?
By asking company or developer - "which technology, smartphone, and resources used to develop application" insight you how company or developer is creative, reliable, knowledgeable and passionate about developing mobile application.
Do you know what Thawar says: “If you told me that you develop iPhone application then you first have iPhone device, second things you should play and use application on iPhone in daily basis and third is you can use other people apps too in daily basis”
If the aim of your mobile application is to generate revenue and take profit from it than mobile application developer needs to know how to exactly make mobile application and how exactly build a feature that generates high revenue.
If you are running with pre-pay download application than making application correspond to that and if you are running with free download application than hire mobile application developer who know how to properly add display ads, third-party ads and paid the subscription in very easy manner.
By all this discussion with mobile application developer or company, you realize where company or developer are (i.e. knowledgeable, reliable, trusted and many more).
3- How we communicate during mobile application development and what special feature integrate enable my application to stay in a market?
Do you know most important part to develop a high-quality application is how clearly communicate before developing an application and often you communicate for your business application design, change of functionality requirement during the development process?
How they provide a regular status report and which manner this all question help you to determine whether company or developer is trustable or not.
Do you know people are more like to use those applications which are different and entertain to people? So application without truly innovative and useful feature rich is rarely to consume by people.
So try to communicate with developer or company to how they make mobile application truly innovative and useful feature rich. This communication gives your idea of whether developer or company stay with current and future trends.
4- Who will own mobile app and how will test application?
The rule says that individual, small business, and the company paying for developing mobile application will have own the finished product. To be sure that you have own all rights to do anything with an application for their own credit. Even you and developer or company sign is written assessment - 'work made for hire' and 'copyright assessment'(not use application feature and code in another application or do not leak source code).
This document is confidentiality about all application stuff from design, source code to content all have own.
Clear this stuff before hire mobile application developer or mobile application development company.
The things to clear before giving task of developing application -
What and Which best way prefer to run and test an application before live?
How conduct an extensive beta test?
If bug find so how fix that and how quickly?
This all question is really matter before final send task to developer or company.
5- What is fees and payment term and will you submit my business application in an app store?
Once beta test is approved so tested version of your app is follow the last step i.e. developer or company to submit an app in the app store for approval to be sold over there. Remember app submission on the app store is a multi-step procedure and take a long process so mobile application developer should already know how to navigate successfully without any single mistake.
How to pay developer or company (by an hour or flat fees) is specifying on a draft written agreement. Most prefer to one-time fee payment and other requires to deposit of half amount of project and often is pay for an app is completed.
The basic mobile application development company in India start development between $1000 to $5000.But some time ends up more spends if you pay a developer by the hour. An Even more complicated application of augmented reality, virtual reality, and 3D gaming can cost thousands more.
Today mobile application is most important and first part to be considered for your business not in terms of profit but in way of showing strong online presence. If you decide to develop a mobile application for your business and choose the best mobile application development company or hire mobile application developer so top 5 considering question you should clear about that.