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Difference between Native App Development and Hybrid App Development

Difference between Native App Development and Hybrid App Development

Monday May 27, 2019 , 5 min Read

Being a business owner, it is imperative to serve your customers well and deliver services beyond their expectations. Before take a dip into the essence of React native app development and Hybrid App development, let’s first understand the importance of mobile phones.

In case, you lost your phone or you forgot it somewhere. How would be your reaction? Will it be, “Let it be, I’ll search it after sometime?” No, absolutely not! You’ll leave your ongoing priorities and find it. That much important is your phone and nobody can stay without it a minute. People across the globe seek information on their mobile phone every time, which is why that your device should be highly responsive and reliable. Nobody will waste their time on bad user experience in this fast moving world.

According to the experts, 79% of customers will only retry once or twice if your app doesn’t work for the first time and only 16% will make more attempts.

If you’re app is not responsive and doesn’t reload in seconds, you’re actually losing your customers. Therefore, it is important to take into consideration user experience when you’re planning to develop a mobile app.

Now, when it comes to React native and hybrid app development, it is a universal fact that React native apps performs well as compared to hybrid apps.

What is React native app development?

React native app development platform enable developers to build mobile apps for Android, iOS, Windows and Blackberry devices. In this special codes are written for specific app using the three common programming languages- Java and Kotlin (Android), C# (Windows), Swift and Objective-C (iOS). There are set guidelines to each of its programming language that developers should keep in mind in terms of typography, gestures, visuals, and graphic styles.

What is hybrid app development?

Hybrid app development platform is made up of combining native apps and web apps. This single framework works for any platform- Android, Windows or iOS that gives you the appearance of a mobile app but run by websites. It utilizes HTML, CSS and JavaScript as its programming language.

What are the differences between the two?

Here’s a fair comparison between Native app development and Hybrid app development to find the winner:

1. Development Time and Cost:

In reality, developing a hybrid app is much easier as compared to native apps and is very cheaper as well. As the fact goes, that for hybrid app development you need to maintain only one code, but with native apps there are numerous code for each platform, which makes things more complex However, that doesn’t mean native apps are bad it has its own advantages.

Winner- Hybrid app development

2. Better Performance:

When you work specifically for one task you can better concentrate same is the case with native apps. Your developer will have different codes for different operating systems that ensure a smooth performance of the app. On the other hand, hybrid apps just add an extra layer between the source code and the target mobile platform that impacts the performance of the mobile application. Even the CEO of Facebook has shifted to native apps with the bad hybrid experience.

Winner- React Native app development

3. User Experience:

Undoubtedly, native app development nails this aspect. As I’ve mentioned before that customers will click off your app if it fails to impress the first time, so eventually you won’t risk your business clients at any cost. Native apps provide far better feel, scrolling, thoughtful effects and animations, particular gestures and recognition and a lot more that makes this framework an ideal choice for many. However, with hybrid mobile app it is impossible to maintain a smooth user experience on both the platforms. If you focus on iOS user experience you will lose your Android market as you’re utilizing “one for all, all for one” method while coding.

Winner- React Native app development

4. Short Time to Market:

With hybrid app development, you can launch your app in a short turnaround time. As the competition is tough in the market and there are several businesses that offer same products or services as you, so going live as soon as possible is what every business seeks. But the scenario is different when it comes to native app development. As you to write different codes for different platforms, launching your app soon is not possible, it will take time.

Winner-Hybrid app development

5. Flexibility:

Native apps are pro in providing fast accessibility to device’s other utilities like GPS, camera, microphone, calendar, etc of your mobile phone. However, hybrid app will restrict you while constructing interface because of the usage of single code on multiple platforms. But in native apps you don’t have to face such restrictions and your app will integrate with great ease.

Winner- React Native App development

6. Data Protection and Security:

This is another crucial factor that every business owner pays attention to. It is obvious that when your customers will interact with your goods and services, they will fill in certain details- be it personal information such bank details, or email id, etc. Therefore, being a business, it is your primary responsibility to take care of data that you collect from your mobile app. Native apps provide great data security to businesses as for this you require full hardware resources and it is only possible with native apps. However, hybrid app development fails to impress developers and businesses in this phase. They don’t offer any data security resources.

Winner- React Native app development

Bottom Line:

React Native and hybrid platforms have their own pros and cons, but native is a better choice as compared to hybrid app development. Therefore, opting for react native app development services is the best way to develop a robust mobile app and widen your reach in this dynamic market.