Mission Possible
A story of unimaginable compassion
Sunday September 04, 2016 , 3 min Read
Padmimi Stump and Dr. Ravi Kasbekar are a beacon of hope for hundreds of lives. They are soldiers of the streets of Pune. They work harder than any one can fathom - sometimes for over 24 hours non-stop. The marvellous fact about them is that they are one of the few members of our society to have taken up Animal Rescue and Rehabilitation with outmost commitment to the cause.
They have built 'Mission Possible' over 5 acres of land at a distance of only 10 kms from Pune. MP is a shelter for rescued dogs and cats - a one of its kind, environmentally friendly facility providing a home for over 300 animals of both species. Before this, Padmimi would home all her rescues on her private property in the city. Not one to turn away the needy, they have rescued both critical and abandoned cases with resilience one can only dream of having. MP's motto is: "Courage is simply the willingness to act even in the face of fear". Countless times, she has rescued motherless pups from highways and motorways while on her way to the shelter.Cases that require continuous veterinary visits are housed at Padmimi's home at Gulshan Mahal, in the city of Pune.
The shelter has sheds for the rescued to rest during the night. They spend their days in the lush greenery of the farm, playing and enjoying the safety that Padmimi and Ravi strive to provide. Every animal lives in harmony with other inhabitants. The rescuers do not tie/cage any of them unless absolutely required. Meals at the shelter are prepared by Padmimi and her team of helpers every day.
MP has tied up with villages nearby to maintain a Gobar Gas plant on their premises, generating natural cooking gas. They are setting up solar panels on the sheds to generate solar energy on the premises. In the future MP wants to build a hospital and Gaushala on the shelter premises. They even maintain a nursery for plants and shrubs sought by local villagers.
At any given time, Padmimi is surrounded by her furry friends. Either she is tending to an injured/sick patient or socializing with the residents of the shelter. Dr. Ravi works with human patients in the day and furry kids after work. They both keep up appearances at the shelter on a daily basis, without exception.
Mission Possible is not just a shelter, it is a cause. MP is the answer to the societal constraints towards animal welfare. It is testament to the brilliance of two people who marched on in even the face of strife. Were they unhindered? Not at all. They have faced many battles before winning the war. Do they have unlimited funds? No way. They utilize their own money to build and run the place. They get help every now and then from family and friends - but that's about it. No investors, no trustees, no red tape. Transparency, welfare and happy mutts is all you will find at Mission Possible.