6 ways to boost any student's writing skills
One of the most prominent things in a student’s life is writing. Whether it be for exams, for assignments, speeches, essays - the list can fill a library - your students need to know how to write.
Tuesday October 17, 2017 , 4 min Read
One of the most prominent things in a student’s life is writing. Whether it be for exams, for assignments, speeches, essays - the list can fill a library - your students need to know how to write. The ability to write effectively has declined in recent years due to the rise in technologically powered writing assistants. Students have shown a dwindling ability in, not only their interest to write but also their spelling, grammar and overall writing faculties. As teachers we tend to blame the students but forget that it is largely our responsibility to foster and nurture our students writing pathways to success.
The general process of teaching students is something that comes naturally to many of us that have chosen this as a career path, but there are those students that refuse to write, refuse to complete the tasks and assignments set in front of them and completely disregard improving their outlook on developing a writing capability to ensure their future success. It is these students that this article is aimed at. Many of them reaching college and turning to websites like Bestessays-writer.com where able writers complete their tasks for them. If we as teachers can reach even the difficult students and allow them to grow a love for the art of writing, or in the very least an aptitude toward it, then we have done our job well. Below are 4 ways to boost any student’s writing skills.
1. It’s all in the mind
The easiest part of teaching is laying down the law. Setting up rules and giving out stars and zero’s. The hard part is reaching into the minds of our students and changing their mindsets. This is the first and foremost step for any successful teacher. If you want your child to succeed at writing, then changing the way that they perceive the task at hand is vital to their success as well as yours. Make writing fun. There are thousands of free resources around the internet to help you find those exercises that make classroom activities something to look forward to. Engage in the exercises with your students. Make writing something different and extraordinary. Create a new and fantastical world where writing has endless possibilities. Show your students what writing can do for them. Show them how, with a seemingly simple faculty like writing, the world is their oyster.
2. Read, read and read some more
Surely everyone knows what power a book holds? Sadly, not every student knows that reading is one of the most incredible tools that they can have. It seems obvious, but as teachers we need to not only show our students how vast the landscape within books are but we need to hold their hands whilst entering this unchartered territory. Creating an in-class book club with exciting lunches or bonus rewards is something that works like a charm.
3. Practice may not make perfect but it sure paves the way
It is important to get students into a daily habit of writing. The exercises do not need to be lengthy, in fact they can be as short as a single paragraph to begin with. It is important to ease your students into the habit of writing daily. Starting off slowly and moving into a gradual increase in length and complexity will allow them to be confident enough to try more challenging tasks. This works especially well for difficult students who have almost no interest in writing.
4. Positive feedback, even if the work is not up to standard
It is important to always remain positive throughout the writing journey. One negative criticism spelled out too harshly can ruin a student's writing path for the rest of their life. It is helpful to instill hope with every negative comment. For example, instead of always dishing out a fail, give the student a second or third chance if need be and give them direction. Show them where they have gone right and what they can build on, even if that right thing is only a single sentence.
By building the writing abilities of your students, you are ensuring a success that cannot be taken away from them. By fostering, nurturing and guiding the process of exciting your students into able writers you are doing so much more for your students that you could ever believe. You are the reason that they will succeed in their pursuits not only in college but for years to come as well.