When you can travel
My Journey around the globe one city at a time
I love to travel It gives me a sense of freedom unlike any thing else. This wasn't however always the case. Up until 2014 I had not really been on any trips outside of your typical holiday scenario. My childhood and early years had involved little more than working in a job I hated and spending my hard earned money on living a material life. A year in Australia certainly changed this.
I travelled up and down the east coast with friends opening up my mind to what the world has to offer. When I returned to the Uk I found myself back in the grind commuting across London having just had the best experience of my life.
It took me two years to overcome the fear and leave my stable western lifestyle. Initially I had a lot of trepidation towards making the change but ever since my initial gap year I constantly had a underlining feeling that there more to life than the situation I found myself in.
The few months that followed flew by as I plotted my way around Europe and Asia experiencing a whole new way of life. Leaving my group of friends I started with was hard but allowed me to move to a whole new level as a person. Each and every place I visited worked as a stepping stone to the next with my highlights being a month India following the 2016 T20 cricket world Cup and meditation at a monestary in Burma. I finished this trip off with a few weeks in Malaysia which brought me home in time for the English summer.
More recently I have been able to juggle my work with shorter trips across Europe but undeniably im always looking for my next destination.
Please follow my website at www.whenyoucantravel.com
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