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Merchant Navy: Details about Eligibility and Course

Merchant Navy: Details about Eligibility and Course

Tuesday November 20, 2018 , 3 min Read

The most mind boggling thought persists when we seek for opportunities and courses after doing graduation, and indulge into a course which fetches us a good stature and income.

Merchant navy is a place where the amalgamation of a well-structured job profile with a good salary is offered. Unforgettably, to be able to don a uniform of an officer in itself sounds captivating.Merchant Navy can truly be considered to be the backbone of the international trade, carrying goods across the glove. And the merchant ships engage a high number of workers not only for carrying but delivering cargo from one country to another.

Eligibility to join merchant navy courses after graduation involves:

AGE: The minimum age is 28 years to be eligible for Merchant Navy after graduation. If you’ve done your 12th, it must be from the Science Stream with Mathematics (PCM).

PHYSICAL FITNESS: Whether the Army or Merchant Navy, physical fitness is the most important and cannot be ignored for a career at sea. A certificate of fitness from a registered medical practitioner is mandatory for admission into any course of Merchant Navy, failing which you might be disappointed as the eligibility calls for it.

There is a medical as well as entrance test.

Best Courses for Merchant Navy after Graduation

If you are a graduate from Marine/Mechanical/Electrical your boat may float in the career of Merchant Navy, but if you have any other qualification the struggle will be real.

These are the Merchant Navy courses after graduation you can opt for:

Graduate Marine Engineering

If you wish to pursue a career in Merchant Navy after Graduation, you must have a graduate degree either in Mechanical Engineering or Naval Architecture to be eligible for GME.

Electro Technical Officer Course

The required graduate degree for this course involves, Bachelor’s Degree in Electronics or Telecommunication with the minimum age of 35 years.

Apart from the above mentioned Maritime courses, there are number of other modular short term courses available too. For all of these, you must choose the best institute for merchant navy.

Best Institute for Merchant Navy

Merchant navy colleges are placed at strategic locations in the country and are intended to provide training to aspirants who wish to join this enigmatic commercial force. Listed for you are some of the top merchant navy institutes in India. The best institutes for merchant navy are accredited by the Directorate of Shipping and the Indian Maritime University, approved for training of personnel by the Ministry of Surface Transport of the Government of India.

The Best Colleges to help pursue a career in Merchant Navy are:

1) Delhi Maritime Academy, Delhi

2) Integrated Institute of Merchant Navy, Hyderabad

3) Institute of Maritime Studies, Goa

4) Samundra Institute of Maritime Studies, Mumbai

5) International Maritime Institute (IMI), Delhi

6) Vels Academy of Maritime Studies Chennai

7) Maharashtra Academy of Naval Education and Training (MANET), Pune

8) Institute of Technology & Marine Engineering (ITME), Kolkata

9) Indian Maritime University (IMU), Chennai

10) Coimbatore Marine College (CMC), Coimbatore