The Best Cryptocurrency Wallets of 2018
Cryptocurrency wallets come in several forms and can span software or hardware. They all are expected to store at least one kind of digital currency. When considering the case of cryptocurrency, managing the cryptographic keys, and security associated with digital currency transactions and identity verification.
The cryptographic keys are associated with the cryptocurrency wallets. When you are talking about it you are mentioning a long string of numbers and letters that are machine-generated which are used to access your cryptocurrency collection as well as for generating the address of your wallet. That means there is a lot of power to attach to a key.
Cryptocurrency is enjoying its time in the technology spotlight. Whether to purchase or trade digital currency, you need an access to an exchange under a single coinbase flag such as Coinbase Consumer. When you get the access to exchange you are able to purchase and trade your chosen crypto-bucks.But, if you are thinking to store your new currency or want to spend it on goods, services then you definitely need a cryptocurrency wallet.
Let us discuss the kinds of cryptocurrency wallets:
- Cold Wallets: It is an offline wallet used for storing the bitcoins. With the help of this, the digital wallet is stored on a platform that is not connected to the internet which in return protecting the wallet from an unauthorized access, vulnerabilities and cyber attacks. This kind of wallet uses keys which are created by a source that is not connected to the internet. This, in turn, adds an extra layer of “air-gap” security and lets these wallets come in a hardware format.
- Hot Wallets: Generally, a hot wallet is referred to as a Bitcoin wallet which is connected to the internet in some way. As you know that this kind of cryptocurrency wallet uses keys which are generated by internet-connected devices typically servers at the wallet manufacturer’s location. The internet connectivity makes hot wallets less secure than cold wallets. Instead of being less secure they are still considered as the most popular cryptocurrency wallets.
- Decentralized Wallets: This kind of wallet does not rely on a third-party service to hold the customer’s funds. The benefits of using this wallet include is that because of its trustless nature you are not required to trust the honesty of the exchange since the funds are held by you in your wallet and not by a third party. The other advantage is that the privacy it provides, in this exchange users is not required to disclose their personal details to anyone. You yourself control your wallet keys and that lets you in connecting as well as generating a transaction with anyone, anywhere.
- Hosted Wallets: This one is considered as the opposite of decentralized wallets, where the cryptocurrency wallet manufacturer exchange your keys. It includes both cons and pros, if you see on the one hand they provide better security but on the other hand, they are storing thousands of user’s keys, which indirectly means that the hackers will be targeting them strongly as compared to the single user.
- Paper Wallet: This kind of cryptocurrency wallet boils down to printed sheets of paper that basically record your public as well as private crypto keys. For using this wallet, you have to simply transfer your digital currency to a public address that is given on your paper wallet.
The above-mentioned wallets support more than one kind of digital asset, though some support more than others do.
Desirable Cryptocurrency Wallet Features: When choosing a cryptocurrency the most important feature you should be looking at is whether or not it supports the currencies you want to use. You know that Bitcoin is a standard but this currency is also not supported by every cryptocurrency wallet. You can find dozens of cryptocurrencies available today.
In case you want to dabble in multiple currencies then you should make sure that your cryptocurrency wallet supports as many as possible and can connect with an exchange that allows multi currency operations.
Featured Cryptocurrency Wallets
Coinbase: It is an excellent cryptocurrency that includes great things in the future.The pros included by it :
- Two-factor authentication
- Multi support
- Can access more digital financial instruments
Exodus: It is for those who want an easy to use desktop cryptocurrency wallet that provides an access to an array of digital currencies.The pros included by it:
- Excellent user interface suited for beginners
- ShapeShift is supported by it
Copay: This kind of wallet is the easiest to use, it also supports multi-signature accounts and immediate transactions. Its interface is also easy to use.
BRD: This wallet is free and easy to use and you can easily buy your bitcoins directly from the application. It gathers the less amount of user information to protect privacy.
JAXX: It is used to lead the pack when it comes to platform support. The pros included by it:
- Broad device
- Easy to use user interface
- Supported cryptocurrencies
- Built-in shapeshift support
BRD and Copay Bitcoin Wallet are mobile wallets intended to let you track and access your digital funds. They do not work as a trading platform and the good things about these are that their security is decent and you can use many of them at the same time.
So, it is important to pick up the right crypto wallet because being safe online with cryptocurrency means having the best cryptocurrency wallet available.This not only makes your transactions easier and safer but helps to enhance your business digitally. Various organisations and companies have started to work with Blockchain Technology , and are exploring it to create various applications.