‘The holy trinity are the founder, the team, and the customer – 30 quotes from TechSparks 2016
From customer focus to connected markets, witness the memorable journey of Indian entrepreneurship in these excerpts and stories! StoryBites is a weekly feature from YourStory, featuring notable quotable quotes in our articles of this past week (see the previous post here). Share these 30 gems and insights from the articles and tweet-feed of YourStory’s annual flagship startup conference TechSparks, and check back to some of the original articles for more insights!

Every time you cross an inefficient phase and take consumers to higher levels of efficiency, you’ve created wealth. – Kunal Shah, FreeCharge
Genetics doesn’t determine entrepreneurship, but it does push towards it. – Anu Acharya, MapMyGenome
Don’t feel shy to have multiple ideas. Creativity is going beyond what is commonly explainable. Dare to dream different. - Ashwin Sanghi, ‘The Rozabal Line’
Indian companies can take decisions a lot faster, and that is an something they should use to their advantage. - Raghav Gupta, BlaBlaCar
You cannot approach app marketing as ’emphasising what problem my app is solving.’ Ramsey Pryor, Branch
It’s not what happens, it’s how you respond. - Shailesh Lakhani, Sequoia
We live in a world of complete digital revolution. Everything is connected and digitised. - Gaurav Arora, Amazon Internet Services
You can find simple solutions to complex problems by using common sense. - Ashish Hemrajani, BookMyShow
My mantra is simple – ‘Perseverance over Pace.’ - Pallav Nadhani, FusionCharts
Don’t feel bad if you didn’t get into YourStory’s Tech30. You can still succeed. - Morten Primdahl, Zendesk
Plan B is Plan Bengaluru. - Priyank Kharge, IT, BT and Tourism Minister
The holy trinity are the founder, the team, and the customer. - Sanjay Gupta, Urban Ladder
You have to have not just passion to start a consumer wearables company in India – but insanity and audacity as well! – Blink
Money is over-rated. Valuation is a transient meeting of the minds. – Shailendra Singh, Sequoia
SMAC (social, mobile, analytics, cloud) is about having an exponential mindset. - Vishwas Mudagal, GoodWorkLabs
SMAC helps you scale at a lower cost, and opens up an ocean of opportunity. - Harsha Kumar, LightSpeed Ventures
Big Data is like teen sex – everyone claims they are doing it but very few are! - Lizzie Chapman, ZestMoney
Don’t scale up at the expense of the user experience. - Ravi Sangtani, Target Accelerator
Do focus on scale – but without loss of service quality and brand value. - Sameer Desai, Brand Launch Centre
Don’t say that India is the next China, we are not that big and not growing that fast. - Sahil Kini, Aspada Investment Advisors
In mobile, think of Maslow’s Hierarchy of mobile needs: battery, balance, storage and data usage. - Ankur Singla, Helpchat
Collaborate and co-create, rather than having to run alone. - Rohit MA, CloudNine Healthcare
The difference between classifieds and a marketplace is the data. - Teruhide Sato, BEENEXT
India has built its digital highways much faster than physical highways and infrastructure. - Ritu Varma, Ankur Capital
Working with the Indian government is not for the faint-hearted! - Prerna Mukharya, Outline India
Pursue your purpose and the means will follow. - Trupti Doshi, Auroma Group
You can deliver good service, make profit and yet create good impact while solving a real problem. - Yogita Muttha, The Violet
There is no better joy than creation. – Kishore Biyani, Future Group
It makes you uneasy when you are not in control. – Naveen Tiwari, InMobi
Social media is a misnomer, it’s a network; people are the new media. - Ramesh Srivats, TenTenTen Digital
YourStory has also published the pocketbook ‘Proverbs and Quotes for Entrepreneurs: A World of Inspiration for Startups’ as a creative and motivational guide for innovators (downloadable as apps here: Apple, Android).