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5 rules you need to follow if you target a female audience

5 rules you need to follow if you target a female audience

Tuesday April 04, 2017 , 3 min Read

Women have more buying power than you can possibly imagine. In most households, women are the primary decision-makers when it comes to purchasing products and availing services that are related to lifestyle, fashion, and basic home necessities. Marketing to women isn't a recent idea. However, if your marketing strategy has been indirectly targeting women so far, it's about time you changed it. Ignoring women customers can be detrimental to your business in a variety of ways. Here are five commandments you need to keep in mind when tailor-making a marketing strategy for your female audience.

Image : shutterstock

Image : shutterstock

Do your research

Just like all men aren't the same, all women aren't similar too. Start by zeroing in on your demographic. Are you targeting teenagers, middle-aged women, or women above fifty? Once you have that narrowed down, go the extra mile to do some further research. Women are multi-faceted people with diverse needs, habits, interests, and life experiences. Knowing your audience like the back of your hand will help you reach them more effectively.

Invest in a cause

Women like to think that their shopping is helping the world in some way. Therefore, when brands donate a part of their sales proceeds to a cause they believe in, women are more likely to purchase from them. To make your political stance more believable to your potential consumers, you can foster a relationship with a local NGO whose mission you agree with or you can donate your profits to a national group.

Go beyond pink

The worst mistake any marketer targeting women can make is to take their standard marketing strategy, change all their hoardings and products to pink, and decide that the ads now target the female population. If there was ever a time when using pink helped gather new women customers, that time has effectively passed. Just like men, women love a varied palette of colors and respond better to ads and products that don't generalise their gender by a single color.

Respect the diversity

We've reached a time where women are celebrating their diversity now more than ever. Be it black women, transwomen, women of colour, or LGBT women, the female population is taking pride in their diversification and are embracing each other like never before. By finding out their peculiar interests and marketing to their needs, companies have a greater opportunity to make their campaigns and products a success.

Talk to us instead of talking at us

Women love to build relationships and this shouldn't be undermined when you're designing a campaign specifically for women. By treating women like your friends and reaching out to them on social media, your company will benefit in the product development stage and later during marketing when the conversations and interactions convert to sales. If women believe that you're truly listening to what they are saying, they are more likely to make a purchase from you.

Keep these tactics and techniques in mind when marketing primarily to a female audience and you're sure to hit the jackpot sooner rather than later.