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Five tips to create a motorcycle taxi company

Five tips to create a motorcycle taxi company

Monday May 01, 2017 , 3 min Read


Motorbike, is increasingly popular in the metro cities because it has an undeniable advantage: to avoid the traffic jams and get to its destination in the right time! Moreover, the rate of manufacturing continues to increase which suggests a good prospect of growth for the taxi-motorcycle. As we all know that bike is cheaper than the car.

Purchase invoice, insurance, taxes: everything is more advantageous. And you sneak through the corks. That's not all: driving motorcyclists generates more tax advantages than the car.

Here are 5 tips to help you create your motorcycle taxi business.

1-Take into account the material costs of departure

To start your business, be aware that a minimum of 60,000 dollars is required. This amount includes the purchase of motorcycles, motorcycle luggage accessories provided to customers (helmet, rain gear, Bluetooth, gloves ...), booking / planning software and a website-platform indispensable to give visibility to your business.

As for the purchase of motorcycles, you can opt for Honda Motorcycles, which is popular with customers for its wraparound seat, ensures comfort, safety for customers and a position on high that allows to better see the traffic.

2-Do not neglect the operating expenses inherent in the exercise of your activity

You should also take into account the operating expenses of your activity when it is launched: gasoline, Maintenance of your motorcycles, salaries and expenses of any drivers you will recruit, excluding the insurance.

3-Motorcycle taxi insurance

The insurance is compulsory and specific to the professionals of the transport of persons with 2 motorized wheels. It is not easy to make sure in the first place because of the reputation of two-wheeled vehicles in terms of accident rates on the roads.

You can claim insurance only if you meet two conditions:

-The holder of the motorcycle license must have a minimum of 3 years of experience and no history of loss over the last five years,

-You must have a vehicle with a displacement above 125 cm3 in order to have a minima of power for the transport of two people.

4-Target the places of exercise of your activity

The taxi-motorcycle works perfectly where traffic jams are frequent.

It is also necessary to practice near the stations and airports. Indeed, since most of the customers are executives or people in the show biz, they try to quickly, from stations and airports to their destinations.

5- Problems of regulation of the transport of persons

A strict regulation regulates the activities of transport of persons by motorcycle, for a fee with driver:

-the driver must be able to justify a prior reservation,

- motorcycles cannot travel or park on the public road by being in search of customers,

-the vehicle must undergo an annual review of the braking, steering, suspension and visibility system,

-the taxi-motorcycle must be equipped with a specific signage,

-the company must employ drivers holding a Class A driving license, a professional card issued by the prefecture of the department of the driver's domicile and a certificate issued By the prefect after medical verification of physical fitness.