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Types of keywords for SEO

Types of keywords for SEO

Tuesday April 10, 2018 , 3 min Read


It would not be wrong to say that keywords play a vital role in how your content or website is ranked in the search engine results.

There are different types of keywords, but the most common ones have been discussed below.

Short-tail keywords

The short-tail keywords are those keywords that comprise short words, phrases, and variants. They are more generic and better than the long-tail keywords and can be used in all types of articles. For example, when someone is writing about a shoe brand, he can write the word "shoes" or "footwear" multiple times throughout the text. If you want to get the top spot on Google, then you must use short-tail keywords in all of your articles. The majority of these keywords ensure to bring high-quality traffic because their conversion rate is lower than the focused keywords.

Long-tail keywords

Unlike short tail keywords, the long-tail keywords consist of two to three words and are more specific and traffic-oriented. For example, the "pink shoes for women" is a long-tail keyword and can be used by shoe brands or footwear stores online. If someone types into search engines, he will surely see your pages if you have accurately ranked this keyword. As compared to the short-tail keywords, the long-tail keywords are easy to use, and they can be divided into different phrases for better results. The conversion rates of the long-tail keywords substantially increase if you use them in the form of fragments, phrases, and variants. Make sure you don't use the same keyword in more than two content pieces as it can lower your site's number of views.

Branded keywords

Branded keywords are those keywords that may or may not contain phrases of your business or brand. If someone is looking for a brand like Apple, he will type it in the Google search engine, and if you have ranked a similar keyword, there are chances that your website will be visible to him. If you want to get good rank in the search engine results, you must use branded keywords as they increase your brand's awareness among the visitors. Make sure you include phrases and variants with your brand name, and your goal should be to get number one rank in the search engine results.

Non-branded keywords

Non branded keywords do not contain names of your business. They aim to attract more and more people towards your brand and should be used on social media in a large number. They are entirely different from the branded keywords and should be ranked well so that more and more people get attracted towards your website.

Inferred keywords

These keywords are also known as geographical keywords or geo keywords. They contain location names and relevant phrases. For example, you can write "red shoes in London." Here you are providing your readers with the idea that your company is located in London and it deals in red shoes for men, women, and children.

Seasonal keywords

Seasonal keywords are those keywords that are used during Christmas, Halloween, Easter or another season. They get easily ranked in those days and can ensure to get you more sales online.

Misspelled Keywords

Various people make spelling mistakes or type variations while entering phrases in search engine boxes. For example, Americans write "favourite" while Europeans and Canadians call it "favourite." You can rank these misspelt keywords to drive lots of traffic to your web pages.

Semalt SEO Tips