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My Weightloss Journey - from 94 to 57 to 70

My Weightloss Journey - from 94 to 57 to 70

Wednesday March 01, 2017 , 3 min Read

Hi,my name is jeh lekhi and this is a story about my personal lifestyle change and fitness journey.

This story begins with my childhood when i was very overweight and weighed close to 73kgs at the age of 16. I felt helpless and would look at food as a coping mechanism for all my problems in life . it was a vicious cycle . i would eat cause i was overweight and i was overweight because i ate . 

I Still remember it as though it were yesterday, i was an avid gamer and played an online game called runescape for almost 8-9 hours a day as a result of which i got very little physical activity.I was constantly reminded of my weight by my 'PT' teachers and my friends . This problem only escalated once i reached junior college . i had quit runescape but my diet had become much worse where i was eating close to 5 samosas a day and a variety of other junk food . I had become 86kgs towards the end of junior college without even knowing it .

After this i reached college where i still had a very unhealthy diet ( i stopped the samosas) of biryani burgers and other processed food . towards the end of the second year of college i had reached 94 kgs which was my peak weight . A pair of jeans which was 34cm did not fit me at this time . This was when it hit me , I am really unfit and unhealthy and i need to do something about it . This is when i made a change in my life . i started worked out vigorously without prior knowledge and i relied on personal trainer who had the same amount if not less knowledge . I worked really hard doing nearly 3.5 hours of cardio a day and saw change because of the sheer volume of work i did . i had lost close to 37kgs in a period of 6-8 months . I had lost all my muscle . The minute i ate some junk i would feel guilty and think it's wrong . I also noticed that i would put on weight almost immediately if i ate more junk.Now we reach a part of my life where i introduced strength training as part of my routine and cut down my cardio to 1hr. i saw better changes . i reduced the cardio even lesser and saw much better changes .

I lacked knowledge earlier and gained a significant amount of muscle becoming 73 kgs but i lacked mobility ,flexibility and endurance. I was still not fit.

After this point of time i decided i need to do more and changed my career path from finance to fitness . I became a certified trainer with ISSA . I currently work as a strength and conditioning coach at a fitness based startup called 'cult'. I also have a youtube channel with the name 'Jeh Lekhi' . this youtube channel is also a fitness based channel to help prevent people from making the same mistakes as me.Now i feel like i am truly fit with a weight of 69 kgs. i can do things i never imagined possible such as handstands,muscle ups and a 140kgs deadlift.


