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The Internet of Things Has Become a Lifestyle Choice For Better Living Tomorrow

The Internet of Things Has Become a Lifestyle Choice For Better Living Tomorrow

Monday September 24, 2018 , 4 min Read

“If technology can’t help its people achieve happiness, then there is no reason for technology to exist”, said Theo Veltman, the innovation manager for the City of Amsterdam, on April 2018 at a summit in London.

And when it comes to the internet of things, it has become a trending topic in the world of technology throughout the media and social networks. With smart devices, the Internet of Things has a great impact on our everyday lives. And according to a report, the impact of IoT in devices will immensely grow in near future. For 2020, the installed base of IoT devices is forecast to grow to around 31 billion globally.

So, how exactly does the internet of things influence our daily life? Here are five examples:

1.Making a Smart Home

Internet of Things has made the concept of home automation reality. Be it a smartphone, computer, lights, windows, thermostats, oven, or water system - now everything at home can be connected to the internet and with each other. IoT makes all the devices at your home be controlled by remote or voice command. Also, smart refrigerators keep track of all the items stored in your fridge. It can sense when your grocery stock runs low or any item’s expiry date is over. It automatically notifies you so that you never run out of any food item. Other than this, there are various home appliances, powered by the internet, regularly taking the stress out of our daily household chores and help us live a better life at home.

2. Easing Traffic Jams

Driving has become a lot safer and more hassle-free as compared to before with the implementation of the internet of things. Smart traffic lights, road sensors, frictionless toll and directed parking ease the daily traffic congestion, make all the drivers on the road be aware of real-time traffic conditions and help in parking a car smoothly. For example, the digital sensors on the roads or mounted cameras on street lights can check the status of parking spaces and according to the availability of space, the drivers can detect the nearest spot with a mobile application.

3. Reducing Air & Water Pollution

Severe pollution in major countries throughout the world causes numerous people’s death due to heart diseases and respiratory ailments. With the emergence of the internet of things, now various cities have taken initiatives to improve public health by minimizing air and water pollution. For example, with the introduction of bicycle couriers, fuel-cell cars, and smart buildings, London is doing its part to control air pollution. On the other hand, in Oakland, an environment sensing startup company named Aclima, being partnered with Google, goes through a block-by-block map of air pollution with the use of Google street view vehicles that carry specialized sensors.

By implementing internet of things people can monitor the pollution level of a particular place through smart devices and take actions according to the data. Thus in future gradually the whole world will start depending on internet of things to control pollution and make the world a sustainable place to live in.

4. Improving Personal Health

For personal health improvement, the internet of things has brought multiple possibilities. Whether it is sleeping pattern or nutritional balance, exercise programmes or medical checkup schedule, you can track everything with IoT connected vitals-tracking wristbands. Also, you can check the blood sugar level and monitor heart condition via a smartphone application. And the best thing is all the smart devices, sensors and remote monitoring tools are getting updated from time to time so that everybody can track data more accurately, efficiently and quickly than ever.

5. Managing Energy Consumption

The seamless integration of IoT with various household appliances, such as air conditioner, lights, thermostats etc. helps in reducing the high energy consumption and waste. The lighting and thermostats, powered by the internet, can go through your habits and create the optimum setting according to your day to day life. These appliances can also sense when nobody is in the home and automatically turn off to minimize the electricity waste as well as your electric bill. And by managing energy consumption, these gadgets indirectly protect the environment as well.

In a nutshell, the internet of things brings four key benefits to our daily life - convenience, safety and protection, ease of accessing information and saving. Implementation of IoT not only makes our home and city smart but also creates a better future for us. With the right corresponding security measure, we should make internet of things a lifestyle choice to lead a stress-free life and make a better living tomorrow.