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How TechSparks helped Umobile to expand to Japan, South Korea and US, and raise a $1 million

How TechSparks helped Umobile to expand to Japan, South Korea and US, and raise a $1 million

Monday September 16, 2013 , 3 min Read


“Victory in any competition is defined by how tough your competitors are, and TechSparks witnesses best of the innovations in the tech startup space in India. That way we’re very fortunate be the TechSparks 2011 winners.” This was the spontaneous response of Sriram V Iyer, Founder of Umobile, formerly, United Mobile Apps (UMA) on asking about his experiences with TechSparks. Umobile is a mobile, broadband and wireless technology company that makes insanely great connection managers, mobility managers, device management and data sync solutions with special focus on LTE and 4G technologies. ‘Winners of TechSparks 2011’ used to be their one of the first slides in the company presentation. Umobile was able to generate interest from market, VCs and eventually getting funded last year with a whopping $1 million from Mumbai Angels.

Sriram V Iyer - Umobile

Being himself a first-time entrepreneur, Sriram shared, “ TechSparks can help you find your co-founders and CTOs from among the like-minded attendees. In the startup journey, it’s very tough to keep yourself inspired and hence it becomes even more important to see these 30 best tech innovations of the country in one place.” As a techie, Sriram believed that one gets exposed to loads of possibilities at TechSparks. There’s nothing like meeting the innovators, hackers and top minds of the tech industry in India all at one place. If somebody wants to do anything in this space, then TechSparks serves as an opportunity to come across some cutting edge innovations in tech space.

Umobile also launched the beta version of their product Kepplr at TechSparks 2012 and once again they were taken by surprise by getting 400 signups for their product on the very day of launch. The whole idea of spreading awareness and generating traction for their product was well received by the audience at TechSparks.

Two years down the line since TechSparks 2011, Umobile has expanded to South Korea, Japan and US, raised over a million dollar capital and are the leaders in wireless technologies(4G & LTE) space. As a founder, Sriram’s mind is in peace now and much can be attributed to the life after TechSparks. If you’re a potential Tech 30 company, here comes the advice from someone ‘been there, done that’ - “Focus on showcasing your innovation, potential market for your product and traction. If you’re able to crack these three really well, you can be the very next TechSpark of India.”

Don’t want to miss the showcasing of India’s top 30 tech startups and get the flavor of Indian startup ecosystem ? Register now for TechSparks 2013 grand finale.