It is true that Vue JS is a relatively new JavaScript framework and it was launched only in the year 2014. Still, the Vue JS framework has managed to become one of the most popular choice of several website developers and designers. Today, millions of website designers and developers from all over the world incorporate the use of this framework when they are working on web design and development projects.
However, several developers especially the ones who are new to the field still wonder why they should consider using the Vue JS framework. If you are one among them, then below are some reasons that will give you a clear idea on why you need to use the Vue JS framework for your future web design and development projects.
Website designers and developers who have a good knowledge on how to use other JavaScript frameworks will be able to master Vue JS with utmost ease. This is mainly due to the clarity and simplicity of this excellent framework. Another important point you need to remember is that the syntax of Vue JS is pretty much and easy to understand even for beginners.
The first and most important thing you need to note about the Vue JS framework is that it weighs just 18kb. This file size is relatively less when compared to the file size of most of the other frameworks. Since, the size of the Vue JS framework is small, developers will be able to easily and quickly use it to kickstart their projects.
Website designers and developers who are planning to select the Vue JS framework will be thrilled to hear the fact that it has a detailed and extensive documentation. Due to this, users will be easily able to learn and use it. In fact, even the ones who have minimum knowledge on JavaScript and HTML will be able to understand Vue JS.
Another factor that has considerably increased the popularity of Vue JS framework is its incredible flexibility. Several experts in the field of web designing and development believe that the flexibility offered by the Vue JS framework is even greater than JavaScript. This means that you will be able to create different types of web applications without any hassles if you are using the Vue JS framework.