My Grand Wedding!!!
Every Wedding has a story to tell!!! We would like to be part of many such stories,
Every Wedding has a story to tell!
My Grand Wedding Pvt. Ltd., launches Mobile app and Website for wedding related services!
My Grand Wedding Pvt. Ltd., a Chennai based startup company has launched an online platform and a mobile app to enable people to choose and decide on services providers and vendors for meeting A-Z requirements related to in connection with conducting a wedding event in India.
The free mobile app can be downloaded by the couple who is above to get married or by their parents and through this can register their names for availing the services of My Grand Wedding Pvt. Ltd., This can be done in the online platform of the company by logging on to its website. Depending upon one’s preferences and budget, the service providers and vendors can be selected. The expenses on wedding related events, can range between Rs. 1 lakh to Rs. 1 crore. It allows choosing services from a pool of around 2,500 vendors across pan India according to customers’ requirements.
My Grand Wedding is a wedding portal which makes the process of planning a modernas well as traditional Indian wedding easy and affordable. It gives multiple choices on modern and innovative wedding event.The content is tailor-made for today’s technical savvy generation — one which understands the difference between candid and traditional studio photography, one which wants to do something unique and differentlike Instant Photobooth, LED backdrop, Dance floor with DJ, Destination Wedding.
Speaking to the media persons on this novel venture, Mr.R.Sharath, Founder & CEO, of My Grand Wedding Pvt. Ltd.,Hoteliersaid, “We have taken traditional weddings to resorts in ECR instead of regular Wedding Halls in the city and by this innovative approach managed to reduce the huge cost incurred on Wedding Hall. We have created a Mandap in resort for the wedding and there were no charges towards rental fee for wedding event. By this we have enabled our clients to save a lot and reduce the overall expenditure for the wedding. As far as traditional wedding is concerned, we have mastered the act and we support end to end arrangements including arranging priest, caterer, nadasawaram to name a few.”
Mrs. Jane Catherene is the Managing Director of My Grand Wedding Private Limited, speaking on the occasion, said “With the intervention of modernity and exposure to the western culture in the traditional society, the Desi style of marriage has witnessed a U-turn in the recent times. Adding to this, invention of technology has also contributed to the same. Thus the vendor discovery and wedding coordination have been fused in single apps. This has altered the way the Desi wedding-vendors and couples discover each other. Even social platforms like Face book, Instagram and Pinterest can be leveraged to discover the best vendors and venues, and enable the sharing of ideas.”
Why MGW?
My Grand Wedding is the best-suited solution for couples to plan their weddings as they can save up to 20-30 percent of their wedding-budget.Apart from saving of money, they can also save a precious period of two months of planning time when enrolled with us.In addition to that, they can avail better quality services and experience a peaceful celebration of the wedding.
A financial support too!
Of course, whatever we are, in organizing a life-time event many face financial hurdles. But, here is an opportunity for the people who are in need: MGW extends its helping hand through its loan section. More than 35 banks offer personal loan at reasonable interest rates.
Free SMS service!
If MGW service is availed, it offersfree SMS reminders to your friends, family members, invitees and near and dear ones whose mobile numbers are registered in advance.Gentlereminders are sent a month in advance to block the calendar and 1st reminder a week before and finally a day earlier to wedding. To avoid confusion to find out the venue, the route map is shared on the wedding day.
About the promoters of MGW:
Mr.R.Sharath is thepromoter of this venture. An Ex-Hotelier and successful event Manager in Chennai for the past 7 Years, Mr.Sharath started his professional life as a Trainee at The Taj West End Hotel 19 Years ago. His vast and rich experience in the hospitality industry and his entrepreneurial skills has motivated him to start this venture to ensure weddings are conducted in an innovative manner which ensures joy and satisfaction to all concerned.
Mrs. Jane Catherene is the Managing Director of My Grand Wedding Private Limited, after pursuing her MBA in finance, started working in an IT Company as Event Planner and she is very keen on colors, designs and perfection.Now, Mr. Sharath, CEO and his wife Mrs. Jane Cathereneare all set to ensure wonderful moments for the couple, savings for the parents and full satisfaction for the numerous guests, by their new and innovative venture My Grand Wedding, an online digital platform including an app as well as a portal.TheMGWcurrently has a team of 15 employees who have enormous experience in hospitality. The MGW currently offers services in Chennai, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Mumbai and Delhi and will expand its service to other cities in India and help large number of people in conducting the weddings economically, successfully and happily.
Address:No:11, Ground floor, Ratthatektowers,OMR, Thoraipakkam,Chennai-600 097.
Phone: +91 9962107168.
044 49275510
Note:Download e-book on wedding planningfor free of cost