The Future Artificial Intelligence in the Service Industry
What will the change if Artificial Intelligence impacts on the service-based industry.

Artificial Intelligence
Artificial intelligence has grown into a full-fledged ecosystem. With the automation it brings to almost every aspect of our life, we see it creeping into our mobile phones, our devices connected over IoT and websites, Artificial Intelligence has become a way of living.
The major breakthroughs that our generation has witnessed are in the service industry where the Chat representatives have been replaced by chatbots. This is just the tip of the iceberg.
The customer service industry is very excited to put the advantages of AI powered solutions to use. Not only is it reducing the human effort, but it is also bringing in more accuracy and precision in services fueled by an ecosystem driven by innovative mobile app developers. A lot of customer service representative’s job is repetitive, mundane and has a pattern which makes it easy for the AI scientists to develop algorithms that fit in the space well.
Before we go to the actual use cases let us understand what segments of AI are fueling the automation in the service industry:
Machine learning
Machine learning is an aspect of AI that makes a computer learn, just like a human. A large amount of training data is fed to an algorithm which learns from this data and offers its predictive analysis just like humans. This adds to the capabilities of AI tools to answer the queries of clients as per the training data from where it learned all it knows.
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Natural language processing
By Natural language processing, we understand that the voice or text input by the customer is understood at a deeper level by the algorithm. Understanding the human language even at an emotional level has also been achieved by the AI using NLP.
Let us know to see the practical phases of customer service where we will interact with AI in near future:
Social Media Messenger Bot
Business has moved to social media over the last 2-3 years. This gives customers and business a direct platform to interact. But if as a customer you think it is the actual representative talking to you, you are mistaken. The current state of social media bots is driven by AI. These real-time bots offer such a personalized response to each customer query that the revenues are skyrocketing with the adaption of AI. The cognitive capability is finding its way into all aspects of customer service across multiple business verticals.
Quick and automated response
AI has disrupted the customer service interface as it is offering 24/7 tireless service to the customers. Business is able to garner international traction due to this capability. As efficient as these programs have become with the support of GPU advancements, the accuracy and speed of replying to queries has massively advanced and is expected to get even better.
The bots, today, can identify the customer issues from the chats and have access to the previous buying patterns of the customers. The mobile app developers offer the chatbots a capability to understand the text and voice by using intelligent algorithms.
Saving training effort
Cost of business increases when they have to invest in the training of newly hired representatives. Using chatbots tremendously decreases the dollars spent on training and monitoring activities. It also lowers the recruitment costs as building, deploying and training the chatbot is a onetime activity. Although we will witness a steep downfall in the recruitment field of sales representatives who handle calls or replying to emails, we will see these representatives up-skilling and working at better positions.
Multiple support channels
Lots of digital channels are being used for creating a business presence over a widespread digital world. As the number of channels is growing, the business is more in need of AI powered solutions that integrate the data coming in from different channels like social media, websites and offline buying to identify the buying patterns of the customers. It is bringing in the balance between the deployments of so many channels.
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Predictions and insight
Amazon’s recommendation engine is a perfect tool that is promoting sales. What it does is that it makes sense out of the buyer data like the viewed products, buying products and more to identify the shopping pattern. It encourages sales by offering suggestions to buyers. The Machine learning algorithms are actually learning as the user buys and this is how it keeps up with the user’s choices and suggests relevant products only.
Speed of service
Who wants to wait in a queue to connect to a sales representative or a chat representative to get an answer to a single question? This was discouraging the buyers. With the chatbot, the websites especially e-commerce are offering zero wait time and quick resolution of queries. It offers a tremendous potential of enhanced customer services that is directly linked with the reputation of the brand.
Reliability and personalization
As AI algorithms are becoming more precise, the reliability and personalization are on the rise as the mobile app developer is focusing on the same. The customers have adapted to the way chatbots interact with them and are not bothered that they are talking to the AI powered algorithms. The intelligent bots are surmounting the standards of customer service as it eliminates the bias and any kind of language barriers.
AI powered chatbots are bringing an element of intelligence to the future of customer service industry. As the technology is advancing, the innovation in the chatbots is also skyrocketing. The organizations are laying more focus on offering better support to its buyers using artificial intelligence algorithms. All this capability if render to an App by a mobile app developer by training the AI engine.
A lot of research is going into finding the right balance between technology and human interaction skills. The deeper understanding is customer behavior is being done based on the data generated on social media, websites, Apps and more. This data is being used by the AI engineers to train the algorithms that can function as chatbots to offer intelligent customer support.
The personalization AI brings in is not humanly possible. At the minimum costs, AI supported chatbots in every business segment are helping the business grow with speed and efficiency.
At its innovative best, the AI developers are working to improvise the customer service industry in an entirely new light.